1 Easy Tip To Save Money On Your Business Website
Are you penny wise and pound foolish? A lot of companies are when it comes to their website. If you want a cheap business website, designing your own is definitely the way to go. Even if you don’t know any code, you can pick from an abundance of free and cheap WYSIWYG website creators and have your own personalized website within a few hours. Unfortunately, these platforms are not consistent from browser to browser, nor across platforms like desktop and mobile. As of this past April, Google changed its algorithms to lay heavy emphasis on mobile websites; if your website isn’t mobile friendly, you won’t rank well on Google, and most of WYSIWYG website creators lack the backend architecture to make them truly mobile friendly. And, let’s face it, they look as cheap as the cost.
Another idea is designing your business’s website to fit within the parameters of a template, one from WordPress, for instance. But these are not without limitations either. Going this route will mean conforming to the parameters of the template you chose, often leading to a sterile-looking, unorigional website for your brand.
What does this have to do with budgeting? Everything. Practically every industry is fraught with competition, and your company’s website is often your audiences’ first impression as they hunt for quality products and services. Even if you don’t think your brand is that unique, it needs to stand out if it’s going to survive.
(Incidentally, at MAD Group, we’re pretty darn good at making your company stand out. We’ve successfully positioned hundreds of brands in totally unique ways. Contact us for a quick consultation.)
Cutting back costs is important for small businesses and large businesses alike. But if you want to save money on your website, do it after it’s properly designed, developed and launched. With every pixel already in place, we recommend gaining a familiarity with the basic behind-the-scenes opperations. This includes Blog Posts, Article Editing and Publication, and Module Management. Even a general understanding of your new brand’s website functionality will help you ensure that content stays relevant and accurate. You can take it a step further by learning how to create and launch compelling e-mail blasts.
We offer every client the opportunity to learn these important tips for business marketing when we launch their website. MAD Group provides a two-hour post-launch training session to help you take the reins. This is a $199 value that could save you thousands in the long run. Hiring employees to manage your website is costly both in time and finances, and you’re almost certain to receive a steep invoice for the hourly cost of routine website maintenance by even the most affordable marketing agency.
Apart from a company website that both looks and functions great in today’s mobile world, you could walk away with fledgling website management skills that will help your business take flight. And as for all the money you might save? We recommend making a sound investment in bean-bag chairs and a Kool-Aid fountain for all of your awesome employees.
Now go out there and get MAD!