Over the past decade, the Internet has become one of the most powerful tools for entrepreneurs.

In fact, there are companies that provide products and services solely over the Internet.

Regardless of what industry you’re in or what you offer your customers, you need to take the Internet seriously when it comes to marketing.

More specifically, you need to take advantage of social media. As of 2021, approximately 77 percent of Americans have a social media profile.

This means that you forego thousands (or even millions) of dollars in business if you don’t up your brand’s social media game.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know.

Cost Efficiency

When it comes to marketing your business, using social media is one of the most efficient ways to do it. You can get the full benefits of a social media profile for free on most platforms.

By saving money on marketing through social media, you’ll be able to invest those funds into other aspects of your company, such as equipment, scaling, etc.

But, some platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, allow you to pay money to increase the number of people who see your posts. If you decide to do this, however, you should only put down small amounts of cash at first to see what works and what doesn’t.

With enough research about your target audience, you’ll be able to see exponential returns on the money you put toward social media.

Increased Brand Awareness

Having a business profile for your company on social media does wonders when it comes to increasing your brand awareness.

It offers you a multitude of channels to provide your audience with quality content and ultimately direct them back to your website. But, the awareness doesn’t end with just your audience.

Social media will help you connect with other local businesses in your industry. Many times, other companies will return the favor if you send positivity their way, such as through sharing their posts with your followers.

Furthermore, commenting on their posts or page will allow all of their followers to see your brand. While this doesn’t have any immediate results, it’s an extra step you can take to get your name out there.

Improved SEO

While consistently posting quality content to your brand’s blog is crucial to your digital marketing strategy’s success, it’s not the only factor you need to keep in mind when it comes to SEO.

Sharing your blog’s content across your own social media channels has a positive effect on your SEO ranking due to search engines recognizing shared content as coming from a quality, legitimate source.

Plus, having your content on multiple sites allows you to take up more slots on Google’s search pages when your audience is searching for relevant keywords and phrases.

Audience Engagement

If you’re looking to communicate with your audience, a contact form on your website isn’t the ideal option.

When considering the importance of social media, the level of communication that it provides can’t be overlooked. Direct messages provide a quick way to answer questions or concerns.

Comments that your audience makes can be responded to publicly, which gives you the opportunity to display to your followers that you’re friendly, accessible, and willing to help them with their needs.

You’ll also be able to announce deals, contests, and other important information to your followers on your social media profiles.


Most people like to spend money. That is, after all, why consumer spending drives the economy.

But, nobody likes to feel like they are being sold something. The more your business seems like a faceless company looking for cash, the less they will resonate with your brand.

Being active on your social media profiles will go a long way when looking to humanize your business.

Everything from your profile to the content you share to the way you interact with your followers will establish that your company is run by humans who care about their customers.

This will ultimately lead to an increase in…

Brand Loyalty

When people identify with a brand, they’re more likely to make purchases from that brand. You could offer the most efficient product or service in the industry, but if you don’t stand out from your competition, you’ll have a difficult time making sales.

Luckily, social media is a powerful tool when it comes to building brand loyalty. Your followers will have access to promotional offers that only available on your social media profiles, which will help create a community around your brand that your followers can participate in.

Level The Playing Field

Most other companies in your industry are using social media, and all of the top players are.

So, if you want a chance at being a dominating force, you’re going to have to build a social media presence for your brand online.

Since your competition is active on social media, you can also research how they interact with their consumers, when they schedule their posts, and what kind of promotions they offer.

The Importance of Social Media Can’t Be Stressed Enough

So, start incorporating social media into your marketing efforts as soon as possible.

You’ll create a loyal online following that will see your brand for what it is, which will ultimately lead to increased conversions.

If you’d like to learn more about the importance of social media and how it can benefit your company, feel free to get in touch with us and see what we can do for you.

Today’s consumers are wielding their buying power to benefit society and the Earth. This sense of “consumer responsibility” outperforms other purchasing motivations such as coupons, discounts, and sales. That’s why cause marketing works.

56 percent of customers report actively searching out and spending extra money on products from companies committed to social value. They’ll also pay more for organic products and those that prove environmentally friendly.

But what is cause marketing, and how can you make it work for your business? Read on for the insider’s guide to cause-related marketing that works.

The Age of Social Responsibility

Whether you’re a marketer or a small business owner, you probably spend a lot of time trying to show potential customers the value of your products and services. It’s at the heart of how you appeal to likely buyers.

But what if I told you that the majority of today’s consumers care more about personal values than personal gain? Customers now buy with their hearts and their consciences first, even if it means spending extra money.

The age of social responsibility is here. If you ignore it, you do so at the peril of your company. People remain more committed than ever before to leaving the world a better place, and they expect brands to feel and act the same way.

The Bigger Picture

In one survey, 86 percent of Americans reported that they expect companies to confront environmental and social issues. Addressing internal problems within a business alone won’t cut it these days. You’ve got to contribute externally.

In fact, cause marketing often represents the number one differentiator between you and your competition. Instead of shrinking away from current events, it’s time to see the bigger picture. Your brand needs to find a cause and promote it.

It will help your company distinguish itself from the competition. And it’ll help you tell your brand’s story. Today’s consumers seek out companies who see and care about the bigger picture.

Cause marketing lets you see the bigger picture. And it lets you share what your company’s doing to make that bigger picture a whole lot more pleasant and socially just.

Two Kinds of Cause Marketing

You may not know this, but when I talk about cause marketing, I’m referring to two different types. Perhaps the most well-known refers to a collaborative effort between a for-profit and non-profit organization.

But cause marketing can also mean a for-profit company whose marketing is based around a charitable or social cause. These two forms should be differentiated from phenomena such as corporate giving and corporate social responsibility.

Corporate giving involves donations that are tax deductible. And corporate social responsibility refers to little more than ensuring compliance in actions that will have a larger positive benefit.

As you can see, cause marketing involves a lot more than just donating money to a great charity or recycling office paper. So, how do you guarantee your cause marketing efforts work?

Successful Cause Marketing

Cause marketing in today’s consumer climate can prove tricky. Your customers are discerning individuals with the internet at their fingertips. They can research the heck out of a claim, so yours better prove authentic and well-thought out.

As I’ve taken a look at campaigns that work and those that don’t over the years, a couple of patterns have jumped out at me. Successful cause marketing efforts involve:

  • Finding a cause related to your brand
  • Choosing a cause you feel passionate about
  • Doing more than throwing money at an issue
  • Placing a heavy emphasis on earned and social media
  • Collaborating on multiple levels with the non-profit of your choice

What’s so great about the tactics listed above? Let’s unpack them a bit further to see how they help consumers “buy” into a cause marketing campaign.

Cause Marketing that Works

Customers will feel more comfortable getting behind your cause if it’s related in some way to what your brand stands for. For example, would TOMS be as successful if the proceeds from shoe sales went towards donating space heaters?

Companies that support causes they feel strongly about do better, too. So, make sure that you choose a charity that you and your employees can truly get behind. If your staff are all-in, this energy will shine through to your customers.

Throwing money at a cause won’t impress today’s consumers. Instead, they want a company to collaborate with a non-profit, from money to manpower.

Finally, make sure your cause marketing includes multiple channels and a focus on earned and social media.

Buying Power

Americans understand the importance of consumer buying power to effect change. In fact, they use their dollars to reward companies whose values align with their own as well as punish companies whose values don’t.

Every day, American consumers make important buying decisions, and price has little to do with them. Instead, they seek out and purchase from companies who share their commitment to making the world a cleaner, healthier, more just place.

What’s more, consumers share their beliefs about specific brands with others, magnifying their buying power. More than three-quarters of buyers promote socially responsible companies to their friends, family, and peers on a regular basis.

In other words, consumerism has transformed into a means of activism. People put their money and their actions where their heart is. So should your company.

The Cause Marketing Bottom Line

The most exciting aspect of cause marketing remains that it allows your company and your employees to make a significant difference in the world. Cause marketing lets your enterprise work as a driving force for change, and that’s a powerful thing.

To make your cause-related marketing efforts truly successful, aim for creating a purpose-driven program with staying power. Always strive for authenticity, transparency, and sustainable, long-term goals.

This all starts with selecting the right cause. A strategically selected charity will grow over time and evolve into something much bigger than you may now be able to imagine. For example, just think about General Mills’ “Box Tops for Education.”

Marketing Success Stories

Interested in learning more about how to optimize your marketing efforts? From cause marketing to branding, we’ve got you covered.

Check out some of our favorite success stories for a little inspiration. Or, contact us today to find out what we can do for your business and brand.

A brand must have a very unique or one-of-a-kind product or service to not have to worry about the competition. Most don’t have that luxury. To remain competitive and ahead of the competition businesses need a creative marketing strategy.

There are plenty of companies that offer products and services that are similar to theirs. Yet, have remained relevant in their fields because they were able to capitalize on their uniqueness. Just think about all the fast food restaurants and soft drink companies.

Building a strong brand that is easily recognizable is hard work. Not only do you need to build brand awareness but also make a strong correlation between your brand and the products you offer.

Are you struggling to understand the difference between a simple marketing approach and what is considered creative marketing? Continue reading for more information on widening the gap between you and the competition.

Start with an Amazing Customer Experience

Sometimes a consumer has a hundred options for a particular product. But what makes them loyal to one brand particular? Some may say it’s the quality of the product, while others may say it is the price.

The truth is, brand loyalty is more about the experience than quality, price, convenience or other things. It is not to say those things aren’t important, because they are. But more than anything, consumers want to feel respected and appreciated.

Greeting a customer with a smile and asking how their day is going, means a lot. Closing out the transaction by acknowledging their name, followed with a thank you and have a nice day, will get the back through the door.

Customers are also more likely to share their experiences, positive or negative, with their family and friends.

Be Present and Available in the Community

Don’t just have a business in a city, be an active part of the community. Part of brand awareness is being visible and easily recognized. A great way to do this is by being a staunch supporter of causes and organizations that are important to you and your employees.

Businesses have a unique opportunity to market creative ideas in multiple settings. Take advantage of sponsorships, big or small. When people see that your business cares about issues that are important to them, they feel a personal connection.

During community events wear branded attire and give away merchandise that has your logo and website.

Sponsorships are not limited to non-profits. You can also support community activities like concerts, sporting events, and high school boosters.

Have a Strong Creative Marketing Social Media Strategy

No digital marketing campaign can be complete without a social media presence.

Statista recently reported, Facebook had 2.27 billion monthly active users in the third quarter of 2018. Any business has to ask, how much they can benefit by reaching their target audience on their active channels.

Each social media platform presents a unique opportunity to be creative marketing to a defined group of individuals.

As part of your digital plan, you will need to explore each platform to see which ones appeal to your target audience. Next, develop a course of action to get the identified group to like your page. Once you have their attention it is time for your social media team to make your channels pop.

Images and videos are important, but they shouldn’t be the run of the mill videos that everyone else is posting. They should tell a story specific to your brand, your product, and your employees.

Be Responsive – It is also important to be responsive to your online following. Answer questions within an hour. If someone has a complaint, acknowledge their concerns and extend an invitation to move the conversation to direct messaging.

Incorporate Customer Feedback – Share positive comments from satisfied customers. Encourage them to tag your pages in photos and videos that promote your products. Do shout-outs to loyal individuals.

Be Consistent – Most important, be consistent with your messaging.

To market creative messages you have to be willing to think outside the box. Don’t abandon ideas that don’t trigger an immediate overwhelming response. Be willing to tweak them and try again for the desired response.

Utilize Your Website

Your website can be the launching pad for creative marketing. One way to get online users to your website is via amazing blogs. Blogs can cover a plethora of topics and good ones keep visitors coming back.

Your blog should also encourage people to comment and interact with others. Incorporate social plug-ins that allow social sharing of content and comments.

You can also embed interactive videos and create photo albums to promote your product or service.

Try Something New

Creative marketing has sparked a movement. Don’t be shy away from new technology that can gain your company new visibility.

Years ago many companies had no idea the impact social media would have on their bottom line. When Facebook was created it was a way for college students to stay in touch. Today it is a means for businesses to market to an audience they never imagined would be accessible to them.

Video live streaming was once something only news media had access too. Video production would cost tens of thousands of dollars and then you had a limited audience to view what you created.

Today all you need is a smartphone, internet connection, and social media platforms like Instagram, Periscope, and Facebook. People from around the world can view your stream live and many more can catch the replay. If you have a YouTube channel your videos can be an extra stream of income.

The best thing about videos is they can go viral and stay viable until they are deleted.

Now that you know the Difference What’s Next?

Knowing the effects a good creative marketing plan can have on your brand should have you excited for the future. It may seem like a lot to take in. That’s why it is important to talk to a professional marketing strategist.

If you’d like to talk to someone or check out our marketing checklist, contact us today.

As the average business is set to spend around $75,000 this year on digital marketing, there are lots of other marketing strategies to consider. When you’re headed out to a trade show, marketing means a lot of different types of strategies. Marketing at a trade show will require talking to people, giving presentations, and running your booth.

Here is everything to know about how to turn your next trade show into a marketing goldmine.

1. Make a Plan

Your team should start thinking about how you’re going to market yourselves at your next trade show as soon as you sign up. Since you know months in advance where you’re be exhibiting, you can start coming up with unique ideas to help you target the audience attending.

Rather than leave your marketing plan for the week before or, worse, the plane ride to the event, spend time thinking about how you want to reach out to people. You’ll have a pretty good idea who else will be at the event in advance. Look at your competitors to see what they’re doing so that you can find a way to stand out.

You should have a strategic process for every single tradeshow. You should start by getting people excited about your presence at the trade show. Give out promos to give people a reason to visit your section.

Make sure you’re offering something special. Well-made, attractive swag will get people lining up to get their own.

Plan out every element of your trade show presence so that they all work toward helping you meet your goals and company objectives. Have a metric for how you want to measure success and pivot to turn every interaction toward that metric.

2. Sign Up To Speak

While it’s great to have a booth at the next trade show you’re attending, you can cement your authority by signing up as a speaker. When you share your ideas on how to become successful in your industry, you give newcomers the opportunity to learn from your experience. You also let your competitors know that they had better keep up with you.

A platform to speak from gives you the ability to tell your story and why your business is unique. You also get to talk about some of the great features that your products and services provided.

Speaking to a self-selected audience means that you should target your speech.

Don’t just provide a sales pitch to talk about why people should buy your products. You could be convincing the top people in your field to apply for positions with your company. You could also be giving people ideas on how they could find ways to work with you.

Every trade show has its own method for finding speakers. See if there’s an online application or a specific person you should email if you want to speak. In absence of that, reach out via social media and see if they have openings.

There are always gaps in schedules that need to be filled. If you contact organizers early enough, you could get a prime spot of your choosing.

3. Make Design a Priority

No matter what kinds of products and services you provide, your booth, your promo materials, and your products all rely on design. People will react to what they see first and then decide whether or not to find out more.

Start by designing a booth that draws people in. Create a layout that’s inviting and will make it easy to engage.

You need to make a powerful visual impact, so consider backlit signs, screens, or large colorful posters. You only have a few seconds to attract people, so don’t hold back. People walking by should be able to figure out what you’re about and whether or not it applies to them immediately.

Make sure the staff that’s working your booth is also always on message. They need to have some kind of shirt or uniform signifying their relationship to your brand. They should also be using language that you find important to your business.

With crowds of people squeezing by for hour after hour, their eyes will glaze over without something to really stand out. Make your brand prominent with strong marketing materials. Make sure it’s consistent with how they’ve seen your brand in the past.

Above all, you need great swag. Your giveaways need to be clever, attractive, and useful.

Hats and shirts will just end up as rags or beach gear. Small tech items, problem-solving tools, and items like phone chargers will become staples of their daily life. When they see your brand over and over, you’ll be the first name that comes to mind when looking for products and services like yours.

4. Follow up Matters

When all is said and done, you want to be left with more than some dinged up signage and a few products sold. You need to be able to follow up with the people who you’ve spoken to.

Every time you talk to someone at your booth, ask for a business card. Otherwise, you can ask them if they want to sign up with your email list. Get contact information so that you can turn those interactions into leads.

The sooner you contact them, the better they’ll remember you.

However, don’t assume that everyone you spoke to is a lead. Some people are curious. Others might be competitors who are surveying the field.

Take some time to figure out which contacts were leads and how to nurture those leads for the future.

Trade Show Marketing Takes Finesse

In order to master the art of trade show marketing, you need to start by signing up for some. It will cost money to set up these exhibits and fly people around the country but it will be worthwhile just to be seen at these events. Ask colleagues or look at social media posts from competitors to find out which trade shows matter for you.

For more tips on how to make the most out of trade shows, contact us today

If you’re about to plan a digital marketing campaign, you’re in the right place.

Did you know, as little as 22% of businesses are happy with their conversion rates?

We want to change this. During this article, we’re revealing some sage advice that’ll help ensure you get the best results.

What’s the Point in Planning a Digital Marketing Campaign?

You might be thinking, “What’s the point in spending time and effort planning? Why can’t I dive straight in?”

Well, yes you can choose to go down that route, but we strongly suggest you don’t.

The planning process ensures you conduct some much-needed research, think through your customer avatar, consider the online platforms you’ll utilize, and settle on the end goal for your campaign.

The latter point’s crucial, otherwise, you don’t have a clear definition of what makes your marketing initiative a “success.”

Now we’ve covered that, let’s focus on how to best plan your marketing campaign.

1. Have a Website up and Running

If your business doesn’t already have a live website, this should be your number one priority. You don’t need to be an expert to launch a fully-functioning site that looks amazing!

If you’re a little unsure, head over to YouTube and take a couple of free tutorials. These will help you get up and running in no time at all.

2. Develop a Customer Avatar

Take the time to analyze who your target demographic is, and what they’re struggling with.

As you start to craft a customer persona, begin with basic information like:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Where they live, etc.

Then work your way towards more complex characteristics.

To get a more accurate account, head over to your “Audience Reports” section in Google Analytics. This tells you everything we’ve just listed above.

Then, establish your audience’s problems and pain points.

For example, what are they struggling with? What do they long to achieve? How can your products/ services help them overcome their issues?

Now, take this further and think about how these problems make them feel. What emotions are associated with their concerns?

  • Sadness
  • Excitement
  • Fear
  • Happiness
  • Hope

Then, once you’ve crafted a customer avatar, you can publish content that’ll appeal to their needs. This massively increases the chances of launching a successful marketing campaign.

3. Social Media

Utilizing social media platforms is an essential part of your digital marketing plan. Some of the more popular assets include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn

If you haven’t already, optimize your social media profiles for maximum exposure. Then, study up on the best practices about how to promote your business.

When done correctly, this goes a long way in developing a loyal following.

4. SEO

Take your website and do everything you can to optimize it to for specific keywords. When you SEO optimize your site, you’ll gradually attract more and more targeted visitors which is great for business!

First things first, conduct keyword research using “Google Keyword Planner” and try to find phrases your audience is searching for on Google.

Ideally, these keywords should boast a high search volume but shouldn’t be overly competitive to rank for.

If you have no idea how to refine your SEO strategy and have a WordPress site, go ahead and download the Yoast SEO plugin. This will certainly steer you in the right direction.

5. Get to Grips with Digital Marketing Metrics

As we’ve already said, you need to have a clear end-goal for your campaign. For example, do you want to:

  • Increase traffic to your site
  • Boost your conversion rates
  • Increase sales
  • Develop a social media following
  • Encourage people to subscribe to your email list

To fully understand whether you’ve achieved any of the above, you need to learn how to integrate various marketing metrics. For example:

Visitors Analytics

These figures indicate how many visitors you’re getting on your site and how your digital marketing campaign impacts these results.

Once you know these numbers you can refine your methods to get better results.

Conversion Rates

There’s no point in increasing traffic to your site if you’re not converting them into customers or email subscribers. Ideally, you want to achieve a conversion rate between 2 and 4%.

Keep tweaking your digital marketing efforts until you achieve these figures.

6. Create a Calendar for Your Marketing Campaign

There’s no point creating a plan if you don’t refer to it. By creating an online calendar, it’ll help keep you accountable. Utilize Google Calendars and plot your digital marketing tasks here.

That way you and your team can see your timeline with a simple glance, and make edits as and when they’re needed.

Top Tip: Be sure to highlight core campaigns and give each of them a goal and a timeframe. This should help give you more of a direction.

7. Set a Budget and Stick to It

It’s imperative you create a budget and stick to it. The last thing you want to do is spend more money than you have.

This begs the question, “How do you make the most of your marketing budget?”

Look back through your marketing data and see what’s worked best. For example, are there any patterns that indicate a particular marketing channel or kind of content yields good value for money?

Once you’ve established this, you’ll have an idea of where to direct your funds.

Likewise, if something isn’t working, stop wasting your cash and re-think your marketing methods.

What’s Next?

The next step is putting all of this knowledge to use! Starting your own digital marketing campaign doesn’t have to be complicated. The important thing is that you use one!

If you found this feature interesting, we’re confident you’ll find our marketing checklist useful.

If you have any questions about online marketing, your digital marketing campaign, or our services, please contact us.

Let’s face it.

You’re far too busy to wear all the hats in your business. But, it’s not always an easy feat to hand over the reins either.

However, you can’t take shots in the dark when it comes to your marketing strategy. Outsourcing is a necessary aspect that can’t be avoided if you want to run a thriving, successful business.

In a 2017 study, 37% of American small businesses said they’re willing to outsource. This not only stresses how common it is – but also, how necessary.

Marketing should be the focal point of your monetization strategy.

And that’s where outsourcing to marketing agencies come into play.

When you hire a reputable agency – the benefits are endless. And your ROI will blow you away long-term.

Still not convinced? Keep reading while we take a deep dive into 8 of the biggest reasons you need to hire a marketing agency, stat.

1. They’ll Boost Sales and Improve Your Bottom Line

There’s a reason businesses spend the time to ensure they have a solid digital marketing strategy. It’ll increase your sales and improve your bottom line – like nothing else.

Marketing has the ability to transform your business; even if you’re just getting started. You’re able to measure your success (or lack thereof) like no other method.

If you’re documenting and measuring your success – you’re 538% more likely to report success, than those who don’t.

On top of this awesome perk, you’re also more likely to see the conversions you’ve been swooning over for months.

Marketing experts know how to use digital marketing in your favor. They know how to find and access your target market in order to achieve the best results possible.

However, those aren’t the only benefits of effective marketing.

Some Outstanding Benefits of Digital Marketing:

  • Brand awareness
  • More affordable than traditional marketing
  • Capture quality leads
  • More sales
  • You’re able to measure your success and adjust accordingly

As you can see, marketing is a top-notch tactic if you want to catapult your business; no matter what your industry or niche is.

2. You’ll Save Loads of Time

This may be an obvious perk – but a crucial one to mention none the less.

If you’re trying to build your small business into a thriving money-making machine, you need all hands on deck.

There are only 24-hours in a day – and you have to sleep sometime, right?

That’s where outside help comes in handy. Not only can you be confident they’ll do a stunning job, but you can rest easy knowing you can be laser-focused on other business tasks that require your attention.

3. A Good Marketing Agency Will Cover Far More Than Simply Marketing

You may be wondering: what does a top marketing agency do?

Many assume they merely cover the marketing side of your business. However, in reality, they can take on a load of other vital tasks off your hands.

A Few Areas a Marketing Agency Can Help You With:

You can save on hiring individual agencies or freelancers – if you find the right marketing agency.

4. It’s More Affordable Than Hiring an In-House Marketing Team

You may be considering hiring someone in-house to keep things simple.

You may even be under the misguided advice that you’ll save money going this route.

As it turns out, hiring in-house is costly. And it’s more expensive than hiring a reputable top marketing agency.

You could end up paying around $130,000 yearly to have a marketing manager in-house. Not to mention the healthcare, benefits, and taxes you’ll have to fork over.

And if you think the price is brutal – keep in mind that this fee only includes marketing. Whereas marketing agencies cover all of your bases.

It seems like a large price to pay when you have a better (and more affordable) alternative.

5. A Fresh Eye and Perspective

As diligent as you may be, there are always things that remain unseen or fall by the wayside in a business.

Despite our best efforts, everyone needs an outside perspective at one time or another.

Especially if you’re self-teaching or teaching someone on your team the ropes, having that extra set of eyes can make a huge difference.

You’ll even find that a great marketing agency will give you insights and fresh inspiration that you otherwise wouldn’t have had.

6. They’ll Help You Create an Effective Digital Marketing Plan

You may be swimming in unfamiliar waters if you haven’t created a successful digital marketing strategy before.

An agency will ensure you end up with a personalized plan that is perfect for your unique business.

Often times they’ll first focus on honing in on your buyer personas and identifying all goals you’d like to achieve. Everything will stem off of this because of how crucial your customers and/or clients are to your business.

Without them – you don’t have a business.

It can be tricky to get all of the steps of your marketing plan down pat if you’re feeling confined by

As long as you stick to the marketing plan that’s been crafted for your business – you’ll find yourself swimming in leads and conversions.

7. You Need All the Help You Can Get to Get a Leg up on Competitors

You can bet your largest competitors are already online utilizing every digital marketing tactic they can get their hands on. And that includes outsourcing to top marketing agencies, for the best results possible.

They aren’t holding back when it comes to the amount of money they spend on their marketing efforts either. By 2021, it’s said businesses will be spending $110 billion on digital advertising.

Because of the massive ROI, an improvement on your bottom you get when investing in top-notch marketing strategies, it’s an investment you can be sure your competitors are utilizing.

8. You Can Rest Easy Knowing Your Business is in the Hands of Experts

To see the steady growth you yearn for, it’s imperative to put your marketing needs in the right hands.

If you’re not equipped with the right skills and expertise to knock your marketing strategies out of the park – you have no business doing it.

Especially if you’re a small business, it’s vital to let the experts take over your marketing. Then you have a chance to get a leg up on your biggest competitors.

The fantastic thing about hiring a marketing agency is you’re typically not limited to just one marketing agent.

You tend to have a group of knowledgeable people at your disposal.

Trust a Top Marketing Agency to Help You

While there’s nothing wrong with the DIY (Do it yourself) attitude for many business tasks – some things you don’t want to leave to chance.

Your customers are the bread and butter of your entire business. So if you’re not using smart marketing strategies to attract and convert them – it’ll be a daunting task to get your business off the ground.

Put your trust in a reputable marketing agency who specializes in what you need.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, contact us for more information about your specific marketing needs!

A great way to promote your business is to promote someone else’s.

As strange as that may sound, it’s true. When your company partners with a charitable organization, you’re not just raising money for those in need. Social cause marketing is one of the best ways to prove your business stands by your code of ethics and wants to do good in the world.

So, what is a social cause, exactly? Some examples of social causes include:

  • Fighting poverty
  • Preventing bullying
  • Civil Rights Advocacy
  • LGBTQ+ advocacy
  • Fighting for or against immigration
  • Raising money for life-saving medical research
  • Helping the homeless, etc.

And what better way to spread the word about your social cause than… well, social media! (Feel like I should have seen that coming.)

Keep reading for promotion strategies that will help you market your good cause across social media.

Why Focus on Social Cause Marketing?

Don’t think of this as a once-a-year, obligatory charity giving activity. Running a truly successful cause marketing campaign could improve the face of your brand forever.

In a recent global study, 91% of millennial consumers said they would likely switch to a brand that supports a good cause for no change in price or quality. That’s pretty amazing. Our information-driven society has started to care more about making a difference than looking out for ourselves.

One of the best cause marketing examples is Chase Bank’s Community Giving Project from 2010.

First, Chase Bank spread the word that they were going to donate a total of more than $5 Million to local causes that deserve them. But rather than choose the causes themselves, they gave their social following the chance to vote.

In November of 2009, Chase used Facebook to let consumers nominate all their favorite low budget organizations. Over the next few months, users voted for who should receive each round of grants. By January of 2010, Chase had their $1Million grant finalist and several million new social media followers.

In a matter of months, Chase Bank changed from being a typical, cold, financial institution. Now they’re the first bank to run a wildly successful community giving event that others now try to replicate.

See where we’re going with this?

The Greatest Benefit of Cause Marketing

Consumers today care more about corporate social responsibility (CSR) than ever. Put your money where your company ethics are to turn passive shoppers into raving fans.

Cause marketing appeals to our higher nature. By affiliating your brand with an amazing, positive message you move your marketing focus from what your company does to why you do it.

Choose a cause that embodies the heart of your company mission statement. When your audience sees what you care about and how much money you’re willing to put behind it, they’ll develop a new respect for your brand.

A word of caution: Your audience can tell when you’re faking it for the likes and shares. Make sure your altruism is authentic no matter how the social campaign works out in the end.

Finished doing your research? Great.

Now, how should you use social media to promote your cause marketing campaign? Here are three of the most important steps…

1. Require Follower Interaction

Do whatever you can to get your followers to engage with your social cause posts. Likes, shares, comments, and reposts are the currency of social media platforms.

Here are common examples of how to do this while raising money for a cause:

  • Pledge to donate $1 (or other amounts) for every “Share” on Facebook
  • Pledge to donate $0.50 for every Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook post that uses your branded hashtag
  • Invite followers to post their own photos of a relevant object in exchange for donating the price of that object to a person in need
  • Ask followers to vote, spread the word, or share relevant personal stories

Point being, reward engagement with donations as much as possible. This way, folks at home get that amazing “I just made a donation” feeling simply by pressing the like button.

2. Publish Content Targeting Relevant Holidays

Take advantage of trending hashtags relating to upcoming holidays.

People seek out holiday content when they want to take a break from run-of-the-mill cat GIFs and feel some profound emotions. You couldn’t ask for a better setting in which to bring up your amazing cause.

Let’s say for example you’re supporting a cause that benefits military veterans. Publish your social media content leading up to Memorial Day with relevant hashtags. Ask followers to leave comments or reply to your Instagram story with their plans for Memorial Day weekend.

National holidays generate tons of hashtags, trending phrases, and geotags. Take advantage of this! People are already looking at their phones to post about the holidays, so make sure your cause is one of the things they see.

3. Set a Measurable Goal and Share Progress

The most effective goals are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

Exactly how much money are you hoping to raise or willing to match? How can your social followers impact this number? How much time do they have to do it?

Motivate your audience to raise a specific dollar amount, and tell them how many more shares or likes it’ll take to get there. Set a deadline for the campaign, and create a sense of urgency. Regularly keep everyone updated with the current progress toward that goal.

Most of all, celebrate and reward all kinds of progress. Having clear benchmarks gives you chances to reward your audience for participating.


Obviously, you should love helping social causes you believe in no matter who knows about it. But letting your consumers see what your company believes in by including them in the giving is so much more fun.

To see other ways we’ve helped companies like yours improve their brand image, check out our client success stories.

For a complete list of our services, click here.

Thanks for reading.

Remember the time when people claimed that print was dead?

Well, those people were simply wrong.

Sure, without a doubt, we live in a digital age. But print still has its place.

In fact, it’s clear that print media has many advantages when it comes to both news reporting and advertising. For one, research shows that the majority of people feel that print marketing is more trustworthy than other types of marketing are.

The ideal situation for any business owner interested in marketing their products and services is to use the smart combination of digital and print communication to maximize their branding efforts.

In the post belong, we’re giving you a glimpse at the top benefits of a good print media campaign.

Let’s dig in!

Your Print Ad-Reading Customers Will Remember You

According to research, people have a tendency to read much slower when it comes to paper compared with online.

You couldn’t ask for a better situation if you’re using print media. This is because slower reading enables a person to develop a deeper understanding of what they’re taking in.

Apparently, just holding a piece of paper enables the brain to develop connections that boost memory. Print also provides a focused manner of reading. This is because people lay out magazines and newspapers intentionally to read them.

On the contrary, producing a digital ad is a lot like writing about somebody and then having that person jump up from the text and start running around the page.

You may catch your online readers’ attention with ads that move and cover the copy that they’re reading, but the movement can also be a distraction.

This is an issue you simply don’t face with print media.

Your Print Media Ads Will Stick Around

The staying power of print advertisements also makes them extremely appealing these days.

With online advertisements, readers usually have to click on them to read them. Meanwhile, although 70% of people in the United States had social media profiles in 2021, social media ads come and go.

Print media ads, however, stay where they’re placed.

Years from today, when readers sift through their old magazines for nostalgia, they’ll still see the print ads you placed.

Print’s staying power gives you, as a print advertiser, a sense of solidity and strength. Print ads look richer and more believable compared with online ads.

This is precisely why print marketers are usually viewed as being more trustworthy than their online counterparts. And this may become even truer in the years ahead as younger online users — for whom digital ads have become the norm — constitute the largest percentage of consumers.

You Can Likely Afford Print Ads

If you’re a small business owner, you may not be able to generate the funds to advertise on television. In addition, radio ads may not always be recommended.

But, regardless of what their budget levels may be, advertisers can generally find good print options.

Even a small corner boutique can spare some money to place an ad in a local newspaper, which is perfect for reaching most of its target customers.

Print is Very Flexible

Another reason to love print advertising? It’s an extremely flexible way of promoting your products or services.

Whether you’d like to reach a local shopper, a father, a foodie, or a golfer, you can effortlessly target your company’s audience.

For instance, if you’re targeting foodies, you can advertise your offering in your local newspaper’s food section on Thursdays. Or, if you’re trying to grab a golfer’s attention, run an ad in the newspaper on the sports pages on Sundays.

You can also produce ads for magazines, targeting these types of customers.

Plus, if you have to alter a print advertisement at some point, this is much easier to do than changing a radio or television ad, which requires rerecording and reshooting some spots.

Print Helps to Build Awareness

The repeated placement of an advertisement is necessary for it to be effective.

While audiences become less aware of online and television campaigns after they’ve run a few times, the opposite actually takes place with print advertisements.

Print advertising boosts purchase decisions and brand loyalty in a way that online advertisements generally can’t.

Combine Print with Other Marketing Tools

As we mentioned earlier, using a mixture of print ads and digital ads is wise if you want to maximize your marketing impact.

In print ads, you’ll usually see companies redirect their readers to their websites for more information or special offers. Why? Because print is good at motivating readers to go wherever you’d like them to go.

Because all print mediums have unique benefits, it makes sense to tap into the power of them all for the greatest results. So, make sure that your advertising campaign makes use of various kinds of media and reinforces your message in each one.

In fact, experts say that television ads can be even more effective when combined with print vs. online-only advertisements. And if you use all three, the effectiveness is even greater.

With a well-thought-out multimedia approach, you can reach individuals who prefer certain advertising mediums over others. You can also boost your awareness and ultimately increase your brand loyalty.

How We Can Help

You now know adding print to your marketing campaign can give you a huge boost. We can help.

We offer high-quality services designed to help you increase awareness about your company.

For instance, we offer help with marketing, branding, websites, social media and even copywriting. Our marketing services include those for both traditional and digital promotion.

Get in touch with us to find out more about the benefits of print media.

Curious about cause marketing campaigns?

Did you know that cause sponsorship is predicted to reach more than $2.14 billion in 2018? Furthermore, 78% of people between the ages of 18 to 24 will choose an ethical product over its non-ethical competition. Even when that product is more expensive.

In today’s digital world, competition is high. Yes, consumers still prefer products that are high quality and low cost. But unlike 20 years ago, consumers also take into account the company’s environmental impact and causes they support.

If you want to take a look at successful cause marketing examples, we’ve created a list for you. In the sections below you’ll find eight of the most successful campaigns in the last ten years. Read on to discover more.

1) World AIDS Day: Starbucks and RED

Starbucks teamed up with RED to raise funds for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS. The cooperative duo started their cause marketing on World AIDS Day over seven years ago.

As part of the campaign, Starbucks donates 10 cents for every beverage they sell in their U.S. and Canada stores. So far, they’ve raised over $12 million in donations. The red cups ensure consumers take notice.

The cause campaign increased Starbucks’ sales. It’s also provided a major boost to their brand loyalty.

2) Arctic Home: Coke and World Wildlife Fund

In 2011, Coca-Cola launched the Arctic Home campaign with the World Wildlife Fund. Their goal was to raise awareness for the plight of the polar bear, Coke’s unofficial mascot.

The bears are starving. Global warming is melting sea ice and forcing seals to relocate. This relocation is depleting the polar bears’ natural food source, the seals.

Since the campaign launched, Coca-Cola has raised over $3 million in donations. More importantly, they’ve significantly raised awareness for the polar bears’ predicament.

The digital engagement portion of the campaign has been noteworthy. It utilized websites, apps, social media, text messaging, emails, and other channels. The engaged customers and drove brand awareness.

3) Real Beauty: Dove and Unilever

Did you know that only 2% of women around the world describe themselves as beautiful? Dove does. They performed a study which surprised even the experts.

Soon after, they launched their “Campaign for Real Beauty” to address the unattainable depiction of beauty. The depiction has become prevalent in first world countries. Experts argue this depiction evolved from negative messages pervasive in modern media channels.

Since the campaign’s launch in 2004, sales have increased over 60%. The well-executed cause-related marketing drives Dove’s brand ethos.

4) Heart Healthy Meals: Subway and American Heart Association

The American Heart Association (AHA) offers a Heart-Healthy Meals certification. It’s given to grocery stores and restaurants that meet their criteria. When a restaurant is approved, they’re given a certification sticker. To pass, a restaurant’s food must meet standards in the following areas:

  • Calories
  • Sodium
  • Total Fat
  • Trans Fat
  • Cholesterol
  • Saturated Fat
  • Beneficial Nutrients

To kick off their certification, and promote public response, AHA partnered with Subway. The sandwich restaurant was the first to receive a certification. One is displayed proudly in each restaurant of the sandwich chain.

If you’re interested in the certification yourself, it requires an annual cost of $5,000. It’s a way to show customers what you stand for and raise money for the AHA at the same time.

5) The Walk to End Breast Cancer: Reebok and Avon 39

Each year, Avon 39 holds a walk to end breast cancer. It’s held in seven cities across the country. The two-day, 39.3-mile walk raises money for cancer. That includes research, screening, diagnosis, and treatment.

Reebok sponsors the national event. Since 2003, they’ve raised over $620,000,000. Reebok has also connected themselves with a worthy cause. It’s increasing both their sales and brand recognition.

Now customers connect those little pink ribbons with all things Reebok.

6) Operation Safe Return: Jeep and United Service Organizations

The S.A.F.E Return project provides both financial and in-kind aid to America’s returning troops. In concert with the USO, Jeep gives support throughout the transition to home, work, and health. S.A.F.E stands for the following:

Secure Transport: Jeep provides vehicles at no cost to USO centers.

Aid for Transition: Jeep has created a veteran employment initiative. They’ve also given military incentives toward the sale of a new Jeep.

Freedom Adventures: Jeep gifts troops with armed forces celebrations.

Enduring Care: Jeep sponsors care for the wounded, ill, and injured troops. They also help their families.

7) Miracle Balloon Campaign: Walmart and Children’s Miracle Network

Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) is a group of hospitals dedicated to helping children. Such hospitals rely on donations and community support. Medicaid and other insurance programs rarely cover the full cost of care. Since 1983, CMN has raised over $5 billion.

Walmart has helped their efforts by partnering for the Miracle Balloon Campaign. Each time they shop, customers can purchase a $1 balloon to support CMN. Walmart hitched their name to community sponsored children’s hospitals across North America.

8) One for One: TOMS Shoes

The “buy one give one model” is popular in cause marketing. For example, TOMS Shoes “One for One” campaign began back in 2011. It’s since grown to include not only shoes but eyewear and clean water as well.

Customers purchases a pair of TOMS shoes, eyewear, or coffee. Then, a similar pair is donated to a child in a poverty-stricken country.

9) Buy a Pair, Give a Pair: Warby Parker and Partners

Warby Parker’s “Buy a Pair, Give a Pair” follows the same model. For each pair of glasses they sell, their nonprofit partners receive a pair. The nonprofits sell these glasses at bargain-basement prices to people in need. So far, they’ve distributed over 1 million pairs.

Building Your Own Cause Marketing Campaigns

Creating your own cause marketing campaigns can be daunting. Begin by reaching out to nonprofits around your area. They often partner with local businesses so that they can lead you through the process.

It’s worth noting that you don’t need an international nonprofit. Local nonprofits work exceptionally well for brick and mortar stores. Check with your chamber of commerce if you need help.

If you enjoyed this article, please browse our library full of other advertising tips.

So long and good luck!

Did you know that companies who don’t clearly support a good cause are likely to lose their customers to competing businesses that do? We are living in an era of social responsibility where consumers want to make sure the money they are spending is doing more than increasing your bottom line.

If you’re looking for ways to become more socially responsible as a business owner, it’s time for you to start your first cause marketing campaign. There’s quite a bit to learn, but that’s what we’re here for.

So, keep reading – we’ve got you covered.

What is Cause Marketing?

Because of the digital age we are living in, news is shared with much more ease than ever before. This includes events like social injustices, natural disasters and their aftermath, and the practices of new and established businesses.

We didn’t have many options when we made purchases in the past. You simply chose between brands at your local stores without knowing much about the people behind the company.

Now, research is a major part of the buying process. Consumers want to know about the quality of their products, how they are made, and where businesses stand on social issues.

In fact, according to one global study, 91% of consumers said they would switch to a brand that was in support of a good cause if the price and quality were similar. Additionally, 92% of consumers said they’d buy a product if there was a social or environmental benefit attached to it.

These important findings bring us to cause marketing.

Powerful Examples of Cause Marketing

Cause marketing is when a for-profit business inserts a social or charitable cause into their marketing campaign. The for-profit business may accomplish this by teaming up with a nonprofit or creating their own.

One of the best examples of cause marketing is the shoe company, TOMS. When you purchase a pair of TOMS shoes, the company will deliver a free pair to a child in need.

Since this approach brought major success to the brand, it chose to take things a step further. The TOMS “One Day Without Shoes” campaign encourages consumers to post pictures on Instagram without shoes. In this campaign, each photo that was posted resulted in a new pair of shoes for a needy child.

Can Cause Marketing Work for Your Business?

Cause marketing is effective because it makes consumers feel good about the products they are buying. Like with our TOMS example, customers aren’t just happy that they’ve treated themselves to a new pair of shoes, they are also glad to know the shoes they bought will help a needy child.

Often times, people want to donate to charities but get caught up with other financial responsibilities and the good deed goes undone. If donating is built into purchases consumers are already making, they feel good about themselves and they feel good about you too.

So, do you want to know how your business can help make a positive difference through cause marketing? Here are the steps you’re going to need to follow:

Figure Out What You Really Believe In

Cause marketing isn’t a marketing scheme to help your bottom line. It’s most impactful when you truly feel great about supporting a particular cause or nonprofit group.

Take you time and think about an organization you believe in and would like to see do well. Also, don’t be afraid to get your employees involved. Ask their opinions and make the final decision with a vote once you’ve narrowed it down to a few choices.

Everyone will work harder when they are supporting a cause they care about.

Does Your Cause Align Well with Your Business?

Part of narrowing down your list of nonprofits should include determining how well they match up with the purpose of your business. The best cause marketing campaigns are those that align this way because it increases the likelihood of your customers caring for the cause as well.

Let’s look at Olay as an example. Olay partnered with the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery in order to teach women about protecting their skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

As a result, over 9,000 people showed up for free skin cancer screenings.

Don’t Just Donate Money

Of course, it’s nice to donate money to a good cause. But the most valuable donations involve donating time, products, and services.

This can work in many different ways, so take some time to come up with something creative and useful.

Let’s say, for example, you run a restaurant. You can donate food to a local homeless shelter or you and your staff can volunteer to prepare and serve meals at one.

Let the Public Know About Your Partnership

The best way for cause marketing to become a win-win for both parties is to make your partnership public knowledge. To do this, start by tapping into existing forms of marketing.

For instance, let’s say the organization sends a newsletter to its constituents. There should be an area on that newsletter that promotes your business and explains how you two are working together for a bigger cause.

Additionally, you and the nonprofit will need to discuss how you will use each other’s logos and names in your marketing materials.

Create a Unique Marketing Campaign

Once you’ve used your existing platforms to make your collaborative efforts known, it’s time to create a unique marketing campaign with your nonprofit. The campaign should include a call to action that inspires people to come to an event, participate in a movement, or make a donation.

An example of a company that has made this work is State Farm. When they wanted to strengthen its relationship with the African American community, it came up with the 50 Million Pound Challenge.

The challenge was launched with a website that offered support, advice, and educational resources about the ways that being overweight are damaging to one’s health. With the support of the 50 Million Pound Challenge community, over 5 million pounds have been lost.

Need More Help?

Cause marketing is now the new normal, and if your business doesn’t participate, it’s possible you’ll be left behind. If you need more help or advice about your cause marketing needs, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We are here to help you make the most of your marketing efforts.