It is all happening in the halls of the corporate aristocracy where each move can vibrate through an industry, a market or even the world. CEOs and other top executives are learning that their most powerful asset isn’t a newfangled product, a savvy merger or even bleeding-edge technology. But it is something much more profound, and often misunderstood: brand strategy.

For years and generations, branding has been associated with logos, jingles, slogans/marketing campaigns and more. Only now, a brand is much more than the “face” of a company. In today’s crowded markets, it’s the pulsing center. The right brand can inspire trust, create loyalty, and turn a business into a cultural phenomenon. And behind the success of every iconic brand lies a brand strategy consultant, the unheralded architect of identity and relevance.

We are in the emotional business not transactional business anymore. Today, brands that dominate are no longer selling products: they sell beliefs, lifestyles and movements.

Who Is A Brand Strategy Consultant?

Think of a Company as an Orchestra The CEO takes the field in front of the orchestra with a baton and conducts… all sections playing together. But who composes the music? Which one manages to put together the big picture, capturing every detail so as to hook the audience and keep them asking for more? Hence, the role of a strategic Brand Consultant–part seer, part psychologist, part detective — the one whose work goes so much further in determining what lies beneath than mere aesthetics or catchy taglines.

It is not an exercise in putting a fresh coat of paint on the marketing, or developing clever taglines. It is about knowing what a company truly stands for — its culture, its uniqueness and its future. We need to think of these strategists, not as brands but rather LEGENDARY EXPERIENCES — establishing bonds that are strong enough to make loyal fans out of them both now and with generations still to come.

All great brands start with a deep and compelling question:

Why does your business exist?

How are you different from the rest of the crowd?

What should a customer, employee or stakeholder feel when they come into contact with your brand?

These are not rhetorical questions; how an organization answers these might color all of the way down to which products reach the market and even what a customer support email sounds like. These answers are now the soul of a brand and dictate all their actions.

Corporate Archaeologists

A brand strategy consultant goes back into a business’s past (its values, culture and history) to find out what the core truths of that company are. It is much the same as a digging, exposing all buried treasures that build a good story.

Customer Psychologists

They play with men’s desires and emotions. These strategists are the ones who understand how consumers think and what really drives us to buy something — and they create messages that reach deep into our subconscious that stick long after we’ve made our purchase.

Cultural Architects

A brand is not a skin; it is an organ. Admittedly — some consultants design strategies in which employees literally become the brand and that authentic attitude spills out of them.

How Disney managed to turn the corner (A Case Study)

Back at the turn of the century, Disney was floundering in the sea. Its magical animated films were eclipsed by the works of Pixar. Even its legendarily bright-line queue areas at the theme parks felt like they’d dimmed. Infuse this with a daring re-imagining of its branding strategy. Disney trebled-down on its claim to be the be-all and end-all of magic/brand, got itself Pixar and Marvel and Lucasfilm, and resurrected as a Death-Starcycle of creativity.

The result? A company revived, transformed even. Disney today is more than a brand, it’s history and confirmation that when a brand reconnects with its essence, spectacular things can happen.

Case in Point: Volvo

While Disney is all about narrative, Volvo is safety. The promise of peace of mind, Volvo is much more than just a manufacturer of cars. This wasn’t a happy accident. On the marketing side, brand strategists decided to position safety as Volvo’s one truth that could reach families, professionals and anyone else who appreciate some security. That single-minded dedication turned Volvo into a brand that resonates around the world, one of countless examples of how authenticity begets lasting brands.

The Essential Brand Consultant

In essence, a brand strategy consultant wants to help more than just stabilize a brand; they want to see success. Stewards of meaning, by their aged faceprint, legacy identities that survive time and become affixed to culture. A flourishing brand never merely vies for space in the market, but instead directly stakes a specific claim on their portion of consumers’ hearts and minds — branding at its core is human connection.

The Best Weapon a CEO Has Is Their Brand Strategy

Brand strategy is not just one more thing on the CEO’s never-ending to-do list- – it is the baton that will lead every component of a company’s performance, like a masterpiece. We live in a time of plenty, surrounded by a myriad of choices and endless distractions from a scrolling society ever ready to utter its brutally candid judgements — thus, sound brand strategy is more than merely useful; it is essential. Let’s break it down.

Finding A Way to Stay Relevant in a Saturated Market

And in the over-crowded marketplace of today, where every product merges into one another as Colors do when you turn down the saturation on Photoshop and end up with an endless beige scroll that seems never to end, differentiation is not just something nice to have — it will decide who lives and who dies. A recent Nielsen survey confirms this with data indicating 64% of customers identify themselves with or purchase a product because of the brand having similar values to their own. Translation? They do not buy products, they buy beliefs.

This isn’t your average brand story (that does include a bit of what you get here), but take Patagonia — legacy outdoor gear maker that could just as easily lean back on its laurels and champion not merely innovation in rugged tools for the wilderness, but an ideal more profound even than that: sustainability. This is not just a slick marketing spin or a whimsical sentence attached to the end of their mission statement; it is, truly and sincerely, the lifeblood of the company. Whether it’s giving profits to the environment or suing the Trump administration over public lands policies, Patagonia is proof that when you stand for something, its as much about growing believers in what you do — rather than merely customers.

The result? Patagonia is not a brand, but it is an entire movement. Customers come in to be a part of the Place, not just buy jackets.

Developing Trust in a Transparent Age

In a world where every misstep is amplified, screenshotted, and shared, trust has become the rarest and most precious currency. Based on the Edelman Trust Barometer, 81% of buyers must trust a brand before they buy from them. A single tone-deaf ad or even an ambiguously shady corporate maneuver can dry up years — sometimes even decades — of consumer goodwill faster than you can say, “PR crisis.

Just think of Johnson & Johnson with their 1982 Tylenol crisis. Confronted with a nightmare scenario of drug tampering that resulted in fatal poisonings, the typical corporate reflex would have been to deny, deflect and diminish. Instead, J&J practiced radical transparency. The brand nationally recalled, introduced tamper-proof packaging and ensured the absolute safety of its customers in their response.

The outcome? It was a template for how to regain your bond and remarkably come out even better off. In sacrificing profits for people, Johnson & Johnson not only saved Tylenol but helped turn the brand into a parable of corporate rectitude.

The CEO’s Ultimate Superpower

Brand strategy is the ace every CEO needs in a severely oversaturated, hypercritical world. It is not just about a lot of making a neat logo and a smart tagline. It is creating an identity so deep, so genuine, that it does not only make the customer select your brand –but they will go out of their way to defend it.

A powerful brand is not just a weapon—it’s the armor, the guide and the war cry that transforms a company from one among many into one that matters. And in the fight for relevance and trust — it is your best friend.

The Evolution of Branding: From Logos to Legacies

Once branding was just about identification. The word processing did some heavy lifting in preparing the copy for the swords and not that of logos, photos, or graphics on which everything pasted. Nowadays, it is about more than just the sale but also the reason a company does what it does. The new age of branding began during the industrial revolution with its utilitarian principles, and has morphed into so much more in our purpose-driven era. Let us delve and know its iconic transitions

The Industrial Revolution: Utility Sales

Branding was about as functional as a factory floor when the 20th century started to cough and hiccup. In the past products had to stand out from a sea of sameness and their focus was on pure functionality. The Ivory Soap ad with the slogan “99.44% pure” was the mic drop of its era— short, sweet, and to-the-point. And in an era when faith in product quality couldn’t be verbally assumed, that purity pitch was groundbreaking.

Two decades ago, branding was not about matters of the heart or mind. Not a nuanced assertion; just one, plain statement: Our product works and it works better than theirs.

The Post War Boom: Selling Dreams

With the advent of postwar, 1950s- era consumerism came branding as cultural tastemaker. The features sale pitch did not suffice anymore brands started selling emotions.

Becoming a Cokeman wasn’t just about the fizzy drink—it was a way of life. Each mouthful would deliver more than refreshment — it came with a ticket to happy, togetherness and the American dream. The ads glimmered with picnics, laughter and sunshine; Coca-Cola was joy itself.

This was the time of lifestyle marketing, when a brand wasn’t just what you bought but who you hoped to become. It turned a product into a path to healing yourself and life, of happier days.

Digital Age: Purpose for sale

This is where branding has incrementally climbed even higher on the evolutionary scale. They have more to lose, they are watched much closer, do people want that? They demand purpose.

Global consumers are now more engaged with societal issues, expecting companies to take a stand on climate change, social justice or economic inequality (dependent on the country), 62% according to Accenture. More snowflakes, more picky about what we buy or where we work, and with music like this… a basic logo and a quick little catchy tag line doesnt quite cut it anymore; brands have to represent something in people’s lives — stand up for values and beliefs, take chances on campaigning causes.

Look at Tesla, which has revolutionized the automotive landscape not only with its stylish electric cars but a purpose — a carbon-neutral sustainable future. There is a tangible purpose, and one that speaks to a generation yearning for meaning. Tesla is not mass-producing cars; it is electrifying a vision — and the consumer isn’t just interested, but lining up around the corner to buy in.

From symbols to stories, products to principles

Branding has shifted from a mark of quality to become the symbol of identity, entitlement and adherance. Now, It’s not about making what a company produces, but a mark on the world. The most impactful logos of today are those still works in progress — formed purposefully by brands that have become legacies.

The Psychology of Brand Perception

Why Great Brands Win: The Psychology Behind Loyalty

The secret to a truly great brand? Understanding the messy nuances of complex, flawed, and ever-changing quirks of human behavior. These brands don’t just sell widgets, they tap in the primal, psychological triggers that drive our every decision, loyalty and want. Here are three of the most potent forces by which we may understand what lies behind brand success, and more importantly, in some cases why there is failure. 

The Halo Effect: Beauty Begets Belief

There is great power in a brand that seems effortlessly right. Like the halo effect would be one bright little spot and that casts a glow on everything.

Take Apple, for instance. Apple’s fixation on smooth, minimalist design can’t just be aesthetic—it might be a stroke of genius when it comes to mindset. It is a bundle of sleekly machined polished aluminum and quasi-reverent unboxing experience, with everything so spryly packed there is an implicit suggestion that the technology inside can be nothing but perfect, even before we’ve hit the power.

Does every Apple product really deserve the hype? Maybe. Millions might argue otherwise, but then again millions don that same halo that glows with the luminance of a fresh iPhone screen.

Tribal Identity: The Brand of Belonging

We humans are wired for connection, for belonging. Truly great brands do far more than simply sell your stuff, they build tribes that care about you and believe in you… so much so it becomes spiritual.

The model for all tribal branding: Harley-Davidson. Customers? No, Harley riders are something different, they make up a movement, defined by the leather jackets and roaring engines., the feeling of freedom in their face and “fuck-it-all” attitude. To them, the Harley logo is not a product but an emblem of identity, a statement of who they are and to hell with what everyone else thinks.

This belonging turns basic customers into true-believers demonstrating that when a brand creates culture, it’s building something far tougher to destroy — a tribe.

The Aftermath of Broken Promises And Cognitive Dissonance

Naturally, branding can be a double-edged sword. This unfulfilled promise is in fact a psychological phenomenon that has upset you — it is called cognitive dissonance, the bad feeling that strikes after our unattainable expectations contrast with reality.

If you want drama, look no further than Volkswagen’s emissions scandal. VW traded on its eco-friendly engineering for years. Then revelations their “clean” diesel vehicles weren’t so clean, either. The result? Years of painstaking transparency and even more careful sustainability-branding had managed to restore at least a shred of credibility for the lab, until this monumental collapse in trust.

It goes well beyond that — it can eat away at trust to the point of total destruction. Talking about it alone is not enough to heal the breach, and healing requires actions — actions that are going to carry with them the potential of big risks.

The Psychology of Greatness

Great brands are not just customer centric, but human centric. They use the halo effect to cast a glow of excellence, they build tribes that breed loyalty, and they walk the treacherous path of cognitive dissonance with honor.

The best brands don’t just understand their customers—they understand their humanity. They harness the halo effect to radiate excellence, they foster tribes to fuel loyalty, and they navigate the perilous terrain of cognitive dissonance with integrity.

Because in the end, great branding isn’t just about selling something. It’s about becoming something—a symbol, a story, a feeling that lingers long after the transaction ends. And that? That’s how legacies are made.

How to Choose the Right Brand Strategy Consultant or Branding Agency?

Choosing a brand strategy consultant is no ordinary hiring decision—it’s a declaration of intent, a signal to the world about the trajectory you envision for your business. This is not a search for the right partner to tweak taglines with and play with different colors in Pantone swatches, this is an opportunity to align your company’s soul with a visionary who can shape your company’s essence into a living, breathing identity Here’s how to find the game-changer your brand deserves.

Industry Expertise: The Insider Outsider

A real brand consultant knows your industry ecosystem better than just any generalist armed with buzzwords. They not only know your market, they exist to speak its language, predict its rhythms and see through its blind spots.

Hiring someone to map the biggest unknown landscape in the solar system, you surely wouldn’t hire just any cartographer? You’d carefully choose a consultant that  personalizes their advice, and creates strategies designed to fit the challenges or opportunities you face.

But beware of the “too comfortable” expert. The best consultants are insider outsiders—steeped in your industry yet unafraid to challenge its conventions. They strike the perfect balance between knowledge and fresh perspective, ensuring your brand leads rather than follows.

Balancing Art and Science: Where Logic Meets Magic

Good branding fits somewhere in the middle, a mystic alchemy between logical progressions and intuition. A top consultant operates without a fixed methodology; they know how to use creativity and analytics like two sides of the same weapon to eliminate noise: to reveal what your brand is really about.

They are the visionaries who tell a story so strong and vivid that it lingers in the hearts of your audience—and the strategists who back it with metrics, market insights, and ROI projections. This balance between art and science transforms branding from guesswork into a masterpiece of precision and purpose.

Find someone who goes beyond the shiny objects and bases it in strategy, drawing the creative sky-high but always staying tethered to how results are accountable.

Team Catalyst: The Spark That Ignites Culture

Branding is a team sport, and everyone in your company needs to be on board. A great consultant is not only a thinker but also a doer, motivator and catalyst of innovation.

They come into a room and light it up… suddenly the skeptical execs are believers, disinterested employees are brand ambassadors to your vision…. Their work does not live in a beautiful presentation, it takes root in your company culture and drives every level of alignment and excitement.

The right consultant doesn’t impose a vision— they cultivate it. They make everyone feel ownership of the brand, ensuring that the strategy they craft is not just a document but a living, breathing mission shared by the entire organization.

The Transformational Partner — Your Brand Strategy Consultant

Engaging with the right brand strategy consultant isn’t about reinventing your logo—it’s about reinventing how far your company can go. It will be a story that doesn’t read like anything you had considered before, and challenges your way of thinking in ways you never thought possible.The right consultant will question your assumptions, hone your story and invigorate your people while crafting a strategy that is part audacious, but also attainable.

The right consultant does more than define you; they define what your business can be. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what legacies are made of.

Here are several authoritative sources that provide data and relevant insights:

  1. Edelman Trust Barometer 2023: This annual report offers comprehensive data on consumer trust across various institutions, including businesses. It highlights that a significant percentage of consumers require trust in a brand before making a purchase.
  2. Nielsen 2023 Consumer Survey Report: This report delves into consumer behavior and preferences, emphasizing the importance of shared values between consumers and brands. It provides statistics on how consumers’ purchasing decisions are influenced by brand alignment with their personal values.
  3. World Economic Forum Article on Brand Values: This article discusses the growing trend of consumers preferring brands that align with their personal values, citing surveys indicating that a majority of consumers make purchasing decisions based on shared principles.
    World Economic Forum
  4. Nielsen Insights on Brand Promise: This insight explores how consumers’ expectations are met when brands support social causes, highlighting that over half of U.S. consumers purchase from brands that support causes they care about.
  5. Edelman Special Report — Brand Trust 2023: This special report examines the collapse of the traditional purchase funnel and emphasizes the importance of brand trust in driving consumer action, including buying, advocacy, and loyalty.


The paid search landscape is constantly evolving as search engines, advertising platforms, and technologies progress. For businesses in San Diego and beyond, staying on top of the latest pay-per-click (PPC) trends is key to getting the most out of your campaigns. As we enter 2024, there are several notable developments to keep pace with to succeed.

Precision Bidding Takes Center Stage

Platforms like Google Ads are placing more emphasis on precision bidding strategies like target CPA bidding. With granular data and automation powering these enhanced bid strategies, PPC campaigns can hyper-target the right users and drive better conversion performance. A San Diego SEO Company should get fully acquainted with the ins and outs of the latest bidding approaches and implement them were advantageous.

The Rise of Automation

Calling something a “trend” implies it’s emerging, but PPC automation has been an ongoing theme for years now. In 2024, it will become even more entrenched as part of sophisticated paid search strategies. The latest versions of Google Ads and similar platforms utilize advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence to streamline your work from bid adjustments to budget allocation. Even the savviest San Diego SEO companies can benefit enormously from added automation.

CTV/OTT Advertising Offers New Avenues

Connected TV (CTV) and over-the-top (OTT) streaming have disrupted the video advertising landscape. More cord-cutters are moving to internet-based streaming, causing ad dollars to shift accordingly. PPC advertising on popular CTV/OTT services like Hulu, Amazon Fire TV, and Roku will provide expanded reach to target customer groups. Though still a relatively “new” channel, spending in this sector is projected to rise in 2024 as marketers including San Diego SEO agencies embrace the opportunities within streaming video.

Shoppable Ads Enhance Ecommerce

Between the bevy of available ecommerce features offered by the major paid search platforms and innovations in ad formats, PPC for retail brands is getting an upgrade. Shoppable ads that allow users to view and purchase products directly within the ad itself without leaving the search results page make for more seamless buying journeys. As these streamlined paths from product discovery to check-out gain traction into 2024, ecommerce PPC performance stands to improve.

The Migration to Mobile Continues

It’s nothing new to declare mobile’s dominance, but its share of search ad budgets is poised to widen further. As device usage, browsing habits, and shopping behaviors skew mobile-first, PPC investment is following accordingly. Marketing companies in San Diego understand that structuring campaigns with mobile users (and their shorter attention spans) in mind is now simply Advertising 101. Tweaks like expanded text ads, location extensions, callout extensions, and effective mobile landing pages can all help translate mobile searched into conversions.

The Role of Local SEO Strengthens

Google continually enhances its focus on connecting users with nearby businesses to fulfill their searches. As a result, optimizing PPC campaigns for better localization and proximity performance is non-negotiable. Tactics like radius targets, location bid adjustments, local extensions, and brick-and-mortar campaign settings all help drive foot traffic and visibility for San Diego SEO agencies with physical locations. Layering paid search efforts atop a strong local SEO foundation is the best path to reach potential local customers.

Shopping Goes Cross-Border

Retail media advertising with Amazon and traditional ecommerce giants already offers massive opportunity, but cross-border ecommerce opens up untapped potential too. As search behavior spans across borders, international shipping expands, and digital payments advance – it’s easier than ever for US brands to target new global shoppers. PPC managers at San Diego marketing companies planning or optimizing multinational campaigns must emphasize translated/transliterated keywords, multi-currency pricing, shipping strategy, and cross-border compliance to unlock success abroad.

The Multimedia Customer Experience

With shorter attention spans and endless digital distraction, PPC ads now often represent the first touchpoint in a customer journey instead of the last click before conversion. Sophisticated campaigns in 2024 will do more to engage audiences early with multimedia formats like responsive display, YouTube bumper ads, and retargeting via streaming audio and CTV. Marketing companies in San Diego expertly covering the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel through cross-channel integration can expect a considerable advantage.

Performance Max Consolidates Google Offerings

As Google continues funneling capabilities that used to require separate campaign types into a unified Performance Max setup, agency workflows get simpler. Still, the loss of transparency and control associated with the blended, AI-driven Performance Max model isn’t ideal for all advertisers or situations. Even so, all signs point to its expanding adoption throughout 2024. As that happens, San Diego SEO companies will need to carefully assess where it does and doesn’t check the right boxes.

Expanded Audience Targeting 

With walled gardens like Google and Meta gaining so much user data, their advertising platforms allow brands to slice and dice audiences into very precise segments. Expect more expansive audience targeting options for paid search and social campaigns that align to specific buyer journeys. San Diego marketing companies can tailor messaging and offers to various micro-groups based on their stage in the funnel. Lookalike modeling for testing will also grow more powerful with enhanced audience insights. 

Streamlined Attribution 

Understanding the true conversion impact and ROI derived from paid search campaigns gets trickier every year as the customer journey fragments across devices and channels. While still nascent, attribution capabilities native to platforms like Google Ads will streamline cross-channel crediting to illuminate where budgets are best invested. As it evolves in 2024, self-serve attribution reporting will becoming more actionable. San Diego SEO agencies can leverage these insights to optimize ongoing PPC efforts for each client vertical based on empirically validated spend levels and know where to double down. Simpler attribution empowers smarter optimization.

Those are among the most influential PPC developments projected ahead for 2024 that San Diego digital marketing agencies should prepare for. Though aligned to enhance performance potential, they also demand new skills, technology, data analysis, creative, and strategic consideration to materialize ROI. Make sure that you partner with the best San Diego SEO Company to experience the best results coming on your way. 

Finding the ideal internet marketing company to partner with is critical for San Diego businesses looking to increase their online presence, traffic, and sales. In today’s digital landscape, having an effective digital strategy executed by marketing experts can be the difference between struggling online or accelerating growth. This guide will walk through the key steps for identifying and choosing a premier digital agency out of San Diego marketing agencies to drive your success.

Understand your goals

First, outline your specific goals so agencies can propose tailored strategies that will achieve your objectives. Do you need more website traffic and leads? Improved search engine rankings? Help building brand awareness on social media? Whatever your needs, having clear goals will allow firms to understand exactly what you want to accomplish together.

Do research

Next, research established agencies with proven success improving digital performance for San Diego clients in your industry. Look for case studies and testimonials validating their impact for local brands. Seek out firms recognized with awards for their work and active participation in top professional associations. This shows commitment to driving real results and expertise in the San Diego market.

Understand the approach of your chosen internet marketing company

When discussing potential partnerships, probe how the agency audits your current website, ads, and analytics to spot optimization opportunities. Do they establish key performance indicators to track progress on goals? How do they research target keywords and analyze competitors to inform strategies? Understanding their strategic orientation will reveal if they can fuel success.

Check in-house expertise

Also evaluate capabilities by ensuring the internet marketing company San Diego has in-house experts across all key digital disciplines – website design/development, search engine optimization, paid search advertising, email marketing, conversion rate optimization, analytics, and reporting. This breadth of specialized talent delivers integrated digital solutions.

Determine the cultural fit

Finally, confirm cultural fit by choosing an agency that prioritizes open communication, transparency with no hidden costs, collaboration welcoming your feedback, agility to adjust programs, and proactivity in bringing new ideas. Shared values and mindsets ensure a strong partnership.

Following this step-by-step guide will lead you to the right internet marketing company for your business. With an accomplished digital marketing partner, San Diego companies can achieve online visibility, traffic, and revenues exceeding their highest expectations. The ideal agency match is out there to unlock success.internet marketing company San Diego

As a business owner in San Diego, it’s crucial to have an exceptional online presence. San Diego SEO marketing is the most efficient way to increase your company’s online visibility. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what SEO is and how a digital agency in San Diego can help you improve your SEO strategies to boost your business’s online presence.

What is SEO Marketing?

SEO marketing aims to improve your website’s and online content’s placement on search engine results pages (SERPs) for pertinent keywords. Your website has a better chance of showing up at the top of the search results when someone uses one of these keywords, which increases the possibility that they will click on it and buy something.

Why is SEO Important for Businesses in San Diego?

With the majority of people turning to the internet to research products and services before making a purchase, it’s more important than ever for San Diego businesses to have a strong online presence.

Optimizing your site and online content for search engines can increase your visibility and reach more potential customers. This can lead to more website traffic, more leads, and, ultimately, more sales.

How Can a Digital Agency in San Diego Help with SEO?

A Digital Agency San Diego can help you improve your SEO strategies in a number of ways. Here are some of the examples that you must know:

  • Keyword Research: If you wish to get trending keywords to target for your company, a digital agency can conduct keyword research. They can also help you identify long-tail keywords, which are more specific and have less competition but can still drive significant traffic to your website.

  • On-Page Optimization: A digital agency can assist you in optimizing your website’s content and structure for search engines. This entails making your website mobile-friendly, loading quickly, and optimizing your header tags, meta descriptions, and title tags.

  • Off-Page Optimization: A digital agency can also help you improve your off-page SEO, which includes things like link building and social media marketing. This can help increase your website’s authority and visibility in search engine results in pages.

  • Analytics and Reporting: A digital agency can track your website’s performance and provide regular reports on your SEO progress. This can assist you in locating problem areas and assisting in the development of data-driven decisions regarding your SEO strategy.

  • Local SEO: A digital agency can also help you align your site for local search, which is crucial for San Diego businesses. This will include different aspects such as listing over Google My Business, getting listed in online directories, and analyzing and incorporating local keywords on your website.

Why Choose a Local Digital Agency in San Diego?

When choosing a San Diego SEO marketing company to help with your SEO, it’s important to consider working with a local agency. Some of the reasons are:

  • Local Knowledge: A local digital agency in San Diego will have a deep understanding of the local market and what works best for businesses in the area. They can also help you target local keywords and optimize your website for local search.

  • Personalized Service: A local digital agency will be able to provide more personalized service and attention than a larger national agency. They will take the time to get to know your business and understand your unique needs and goals.

Grow Your Business in Real Time and Witness Incredible Results

SEO works for a relatively long time. It is unlike the concept of paid advertising, which won’t work once your payment stops. Digital Agency San Diego can continue to drive traffic and leads to your website for months or even years after the initial optimization work is done.

In the age of social media, companies need a significant online presence to survive. In fact, it’s the most efficient way to reach potential customers and remain ahead of competitors.

One of the best ways to grow your online presence is through digital marketing. With an emphasis on SEO companies in San Diego, we’ll go over what digital marketing is in this article and how a digital marketing agency can help your business grow and witness greater results.

What is Digital Marketing?

Through various online channels, including social media, email, and search engines, digital marketing involves promoting a good or service. Reaching potential customers online, where they spend the majority of their time, is the aim of digital marketing. By using a variety of digital marketing tactics, businesses can increase their visibility and reach more potential customers.

Why is Digital Marketing Important for Businesses?

Businesses need digital marketing and digital marketing agencies because it gives them a cost-effective way to reach potential customers. Digital marketing, as opposed to conventional forms of marketing like print or television advertising, can be targeted to particular demographics and is simple to track and measure. This enables companies to determine which strategies are effective and which are not and to change their approach accordingly.

How Can a Digital Marketing Agency Aid in the Growth of Your Company?

Your company can grow in a number of ways with the aid of a digital marketing agency. Here are a few instances:

  • Strategy Development: A digital marketing agency can assist you in creating a thorough digital marketing strategy that complements your overarching business objectives. You can use them to determine the strategies that will work best for your company and your target market.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): You can enhance your SEO strategies with the aid of a digital marketing agency. In order to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages, this includes activities like keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building (SERPs).

  • Social media marketing: A digital marketing firm can assist you in creating and putting into practice a social media marketing strategy. Creating and scheduling content are examples of this.

  • Email marketing: You can also work with a digital marketing agency to plan and carry out an email marketing campaign. This includes actions like developing and distributing email campaigns, segmenting your email list, and assessing the effectiveness of email campaigns.

  • Analytics and Reporting: A digital marketing company can monitor the effectiveness of your website and offer regular updates on the results of your digital marketing efforts. Making decisions about your digital marketing strategy based on data-driven analysis can help you find areas that need improvement.

Why Choose an SEO Firm in San Diego?

Working with a San Diego SEO company should be taken into consideration when choosing a digital marketing agency. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Local Knowledge: SEO firms in San Diego will have a thorough awareness of the regional market and what is most effective for local companies. Additionally, they can aid in local keyword targeting and website local search optimization.

  • Personalized Service: As opposed to a bigger, nationwide agency, an SEO firm San Diego will be able to offer more individualized service and attention. They will take the time to learn about your company and comprehend your particular wants and objectives.

  • Reputation: It’s crucial to pick an SEO company with a positive reputation in the sector. Search for a firm that has a proven track record of success and positive client testimonials.

Build a Better Business with the Help of a Digital Marketing Agency

SEO firm San Diego enables companies to develop relationships with potential clients via social media and email marketing platforms. Businesses can position themselves as industry leaders and gain potential customers’ trust by producing useful content and interacting with them on social media.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is crucial for businesses of all sizes, big or small. By appearing at the top of search results, companies in San Diego can increase their visibility, reach, and credibility, leading to more website traffic, leads, and, ultimately, sales.

In addition, SEO is a cost-effective way of marketing, it does not require paying for ads, and it helps to reach more customers long-term. It is a long-term strategy that can help a business to maintain its visibility and attract more customers over time.

Key Elements of an Effective SEO Strategy

An effective SEO strategy is comprised of several key elements that work together to improve a website’s traction in search engine results.

  • Keyword research: When researching and identifying the keywords & phrases that potential customers use to find products and services similar to yours.

  • Link building: Getting backlinks—or links from other websites to your website—is what this process is all about.

The more valuable and informative your content is, the more the chances that it will be shared and linked to by other websites, which can improve your website’s ranking in search results.

Local SEO Helps San Diego Businesses Rank Higher in Search Engine Results for Geographically-Related Queries

Local SEO is a crucial component of search engine optimization San Diego that want to rank highly in search results for geographically relevant queries. Local SEO is a collection of tactics and strategies that aid companies in localizing their online presence. This is crucial for San Diego companies that depend on local clients to generate revenue.

Local search engine optimization (SEO) entails enhancing several aspects of your site & online presence. This entails supplying details like your company’s name, address, phone number, and operating hours. To improve your online presence, obtaining customer reviews and listing your business in local directories and citation sites is critical

The Advantages of Working with a Professional SEO Agency in San Diego

Working with professional search engine optimization San Diego can provide businesses with a number of advantages, including expertise in the local market and access to the latest industry trends and techniques.

  • Expertise in the local market: A professional marketing agency in San Diego will have a deep understanding of the local market, including the unique characteristics of the San Diego business landscape, as well as the consumer behavior and search habits of local residents. This knowledge can help them create a customized SEO strategy tailored to the specific needs of San Diego businesses.

  • Access to the latest industry trends and techniques: SEO is constantly evolving, with new trends and techniques emerging regularly. Professional SEO agencies in San Diego stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry and have the knowledge and expertise to implement the most efficient strategies for their clients.

  • Experience in different industries: A professional SEO agency will have experience in different industries, which means they will be able to understand your industry’s specific needs and create a customized SEO strategy tailored to your business.

  • Measuring and Analyzing: A professional SEO agency will have access to tools and software that will allow them to measure and analyze the effectiveness of their SEO efforts. This can include tracking website traffic, monitoring search engine rankings, and identifying key metrics such as conversion rates.

  • Saving time: Hiring professional Marketing Agencies will save business owners time. They will be able to focus on their core business while the agency takes care of their digital marketing needs.

Take Your Business to New Heights

In summary, working with a professional search engine optimization San Diego can provide businesses with a number of advantages, including expertise in the local market, access to the latest industry trends and techniques, experience in different industries, measuring and analyzing capabilities, and saving business owners time.

Many individuals know that creating a website can help skyrocket your business or brand. However, the majority of businesses don’t know how to get their business to rank higher on Google and other search engines.

The digital world can be a tough one to navigate, especially as Google constantly changes its algorithm over time. This is where SEO, or search engine optimization, comes in. SEO targets the active and new format to help you attain the desired traffic to your website. You need to work with an SEO expert from a San Diego internet marketing company. These professionals are well aware of the changing algorithm and how to adjust to it accordingly. With that said, you should have an exceptional digital marketing strategy on your side. To learn more about SEO and its extraordinary benefits, continue reading.

Garner Local SEO with the Help of Zero Click

If you own or run a business, then you need to understand the importance of local SEO and listings. These listings and rankings are incredibly important when looking to attract visitors to your company’s website. As zero-click searches are growing in popularity, so has the significance of local SEO. In addition to this, the higher ranking search engine results are solely produced on SERP because of the increase in zero-click searches. As you can see, zero-click searches play a significant role in search engine ranking.

Aside from this, zero-click searches signify that your brand is targeting the appropriate audience it would most likely appeal to, increasing the likelihood of them visiting your company’s website. With that said, this concept will also help you create an attractive profile over Google Business. Mobile and voice searches are only increasing in popularity. The demand for zero-click results are bound to increase, and they’re becoming more useful than ever.

Mobile Searches are the Future

Mobile searches are undoubtedly the future of the internet. Most individuals in today’s digital climate owns a smartphone and an internet connection. This massive change has triggered an unforeseen evolutionary shift for businesses conventional marketing tactics. As of today, brands are utilizing digital marketing techniques to garner a larger audience, and SEO is a major part of this process.

With this in mind, you need to use SEO for your mobile and desktop to rank higher on search engines and produce excellent results. Consult with a San Diego internet marketing company to begin your advanced online marketing journey and produce the results you need.

The Cumulative Layout Shift for a Higher Ranking

The SEO world is now seeing changes with CLS or Cumulative Layout Shift as one of the newest entries to it. As Google is now shifting its focus on Core Web Vitals to improve its measuring power of page experience score, CLS is added to it without any hindrance. However, the biggest problem that businesses these days are facing is that they are stuffing their websites with banners and not proper layouts. But your page should be more user-friendly and easily accessible, making CLS an important part of SEO ranking. So, make your website ore user-friendly and get it in the top results of the search page.

Understand the SMITH Algorithm and its Benefits

Google is known for frequently changing the search algorithms for its search results, ensuring that everything that comes up, as a result, is up-to-date and relevant. This is precisely how they have introduced its SMITH algorithm in place of BERT. The long webpage, which could contain in-depth content, can now be comprehended and analyzed by the algorithm, ultimately providing them with a better algorithm. The best part about this whole practice is that now you it’s unnecessary to create new landing pages for each of the topics but create one single page and include a multitude of topics within it.

If you are still having doubts related to SEO and digital marketing, then it is best to contact the SEO firm San Diego. Click here to know more and jumpstart your online growth.

A business with exceptional products and services can struggle to survive in a fiercely competitive online market.

Digital marketing is one of the leading ways to stay afloat long-term. A medium can help you target your ideal audience. With a San Diego SEO company in your corner, you can take your business to new heights.

The marketing experts working behind the scenes can pick your company off the ground and garner a loyal batch of consumers.

When it comes to your website, you need to employ a San Diego SEO company to oversee this approach.

Give your business the expertise or understanding of SEO to produce an effective course of action.

Defining SEO or Search Engine Optimization

Web browser’s ultimate purpose is to deliver relevant information to consumers worldwide. The technique that’s deemed the most effective is search engine optimization, also known as SEO.

A website’s worth to browsers and potential customers can be increased by having skyscraper content and supported components. A website has more chances of ranking on the search engine result page when a web browser finds it useful for the searched keyword or phrase.

What is the importance of SEO?

Wouldn’t it be easier to create a website with top-quality content and naturally have all the necessary engagement rates? But this concept doesn’t work in the real digital world.

Search engines are full of similar websites, and only a handful can reach the top of the results page. Why is this?
For each keyword, search engine crawlers must evaluate the ranking of the websites on the search engine results page. To ensure web traffic

from pertinent keywords in browsers, it’s essential to rely on SEO tactics.

Functioning of an SEO Company

For a better understanding of the functioning of algorithms, digital marketing agencies examine the interaction between search engines with various websites.

A better understanding of algorithms’ operations allows them to enhance a website and ensure its ranking. Every sector has rules and norms; therefore, ensuring that your website follows the correct guiding principles has become a crucial part of the game of marketing. Before developing a plan to boost your website’s ranking, an SEO company should be made aware of your current situation and the state of your sector.

Furthermore, a San Diego SEO company will develop a unique plan to raise the position of your website with the necessary research.
This strategy will focus on aspects that require refinement to produce a comprehensive, helpful, and trustworthy site that attracts a sea of consumers. These strategies encompass the following:


An SEO agency will investigate all the correct keyword phrases to assess how challenging the ranking is for each potential keyword pertinent to your goods or services. In addition to helping users find information, keywords help search engines understand the main points of a page’s content.


By converting visitors into buyers, good content promotes sales and convinces browsers that your website’s content is worth crawling. A consistent supply of fresh material that is pertinent to your business’s services and products is offered by your SEO company.

User Experience

Since most traffic is via mobile, your site must provide a positive user experience on all devices. Your San Diego SEO company ensures smooth access and usability for mobile users to have a good experience.


A longer loading time could lead to a loss of consumers. Users will leave a website that takes too long to load. Your SEO company has the right expertise to find the perfect solutions to this common problem.


Off-site SEO will assist you in amping up your site and boosting consumer traffic. The quantity of reputable and credible websites linking to your company’s online platform is your backlink count.


With the help of these SEO strategies and the right SEO company, you can build a stronger image in the market and increase the number of returning customers. Having an SEO strategy will assist you in creating awareness for your brand.

However, you should also understand that SEO is a continual process that requires time, skill, and patience. Keep in mind that with reasonable efforts comes outstanding results.

An advertising agency, or ad agency, is a group of experts who promote a business by advertising its content. The agency works to satisfy a client’s expectations in terms of image and sales.

There are countless agencies located all across India. The best advertising agencies trigger fantastic results that are long-term.

Services Provided

Ad agencies promote a business or brand through various creative methods that are not only unique, but highly effective.

Best advertising agencies provide you with the best services according to your brand’s individual needs.


Digital marketing companies have many practical functions for a brand or business. These methods have a positive impact on clients and their firms. Observe the primary functions of a marketing agency below:

  1. Informative Advertising– A company’s primary motive when advertising their brand or products/services is to inform their audience. The advertisement provides information about the brand or product; for example: its quality, effectiveness, and utilization.

That said, if a client takes a liking to a product advertised, they may choose to purchase it. Therefore, informative advertisement is highly essential and effective in the long run.

  1. Maintains Familiarity – One-time advertising is insufficient if you want to lead your brand or business. Digital advertising is an excellent way of communication with consumers regarding your products or services. Ads establish a brand’s identity in the eyes of the public; working with a marketing agency is the smartest investment you can make for your business.
  1. Increases Conversion Rates

Advertising agencies skilled in their profession work diligently to ensure their clients are garnering more and more customers. Agents know how to attract customers and keep them engaged long-term, without advertising false information.

Social media ads help customers identify the product in their feed. The ad answers essential questions like:

  • Why do you need this product?
  • What are you missing when you bypass this product?
  • How can this product improve your daily life?

You can opt for any reputed San Diego social media marketing agency to produce more interactive ads for your brand.

  1. Grow Consumer Base Consistently achieving customer demand is no easy feat. Your brand must maintain loyal customers who rely on the products or services you’re selling. A digital marketing agency assists in this process, guiding your brand towards a more successful outcome.

Take Action

Marketing your brand is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your consumers. Additionally, the process assists in customer growth. A digital advertising agency establishes your company’s credibility in the visual sense, manipulating the way its viewed by the public. This is all in an effort to accentuate its image.

Consult an ad agency near you; it’s time to achieve the recognition your brand needs to become a successful business.

If you’re on the hunt for the “best ad agency near me”, you’re not alone. Many business owners are looking for ways to grow their business in a timely fashion, but most aren’t sure how to approach this. In the current digital climate, online marketing has become one of the leading ways to promote a brand. Channels like social media and websites have become the primary sources for consumer-business relationships. For the first time in history, companies have the opportunity to connect with consumers on a personal level.

SEO experts in San Diego are a team of highly qualified individuals who specialize in all things digital marketing. They understand the ins and outs of online advertising, and share their expertise with companies that need it.

What Exactly is an SEO Expert?

Building and optimizing a website are considered the beginning steps toward advancing a business. An SEO expert in San Diego is a professional who specializes in this area of marketing. They can increase organic traffic to your website, ultimately benefiting your brand’s online presence. Search engines work by analyzing your webpage and deciding how trustworthy it is based on your chosen keywords. Because getting organic backlinks can be complex and takes a lot of time, many firms opt to work with an SEO expert.

How does an SEO expert help your business grow?

An SEO expert in San Diego can draft personalized SEO strategies for your website in accordance with your budget. This is one of the many things that make them an excellent option in the marketing field. In mapping, executing, analyzing, and optimizing a business’s SEO strategies, these professionals use various keyword analysis techniques they’ve come to understand through time and experience. These strategies will ensure high returns, more customer engagement, and forming your brand’s identity.

Improve Web Presence

SEO services may assist your brand’s website to obtain a higher rank on the search engine result page or SERP. As per estimates, the majority of buyers never look past the first page of search results. That said, you’ll want your business to rank on the first page. If your website is optimized, it may rank higher on the result page, therefore increasing your company’s web presence.

Increase Website Traffic

Once your website has acquired the top place on the search result page, it will likely attract a larger number of visitors. These visitors can potentially turn into consumers. As said before, more than half of the user traffic goes to the first result page. Choosing an SEO expert will increase your website’s rank in the searches, attracting more website traffic and boosting your company’s success rate.

Boost Social Media Interaction

Choose your keywords wisely – they’ll help you garner more engagement on your social media pages. Keywords are crucial in increasing your post’s noticeability and earning a higher reach. An SEO expert in San Diego will create keyword-dense content that attracts more clicks. Additionally, they’ll optimize your content to develop user trust in your brand.

Take Action
These tools and techniques are vital in optimizing your website and positioning it at the top of the SERP. An SEO Expert will dive deep into your business needs and find appropriate keywords. This helps your website to attract more traffic and increase revenue. This will build users’ trust in your brand, establishing your brand’s identity and recognition.


Website traffic can boost your business and give you more revenue. 

The key is to find a marketing strategy that will boost your website traffic. You can either have SEO or SEM. But what’s the difference between SEO and SEM? 

For starters, SEO is about organic traffic by writing blogs and optimizing the content on your website. When it comes to SEM, it’s about paid traffic. 

Of course, there’s a lot more strategy and knowledge of SEO and SEM beyond what was just described. You have to understand how they are used differently to figure out what works best in your business. 

Here’s a guide on everything you need to know about SEO and SEM and how they can benefit your business. 

Everything You Need to Know About SEO

When it comes to SEO, you need to know exactly what it is and how it can benefit your business. SEO stands for search engine optimization. It helps your website rank higher on Google pages when someone searches for something related to your business. 

To gain a proper understanding of SEO, you need to know the different ways it works. You need to know how it can benefit your business. Here’s a proper breakdown of SEO and how it works. 

SEO Keywords

if you want your website to rank higher on Google, you need to know about keywords. They are an essential part of SEO. 

Google looks at specific keywords to see what’s the most popular in your industry. If you use these keywords in your content, it can help your website rank higher. 

However, some keywords are nearly impossible to rank, or it takes a long time to rank in a particular keyword because of your competitors. That means if a keyword is really popular among your target market. Still, it’s hard to rank because your competitors already use that keyword a lot. It’s probably a good idea to consider another keyword to use in your content. 

For example, when you are searching for keywords to use in your content, you should consider the volume of which the keyword is searched and the difficulty it is to rank in that particular keyword.

SEO Quality

After you’ve found the keywords you want to use in your content, you need to consider the quality of your writing. 

When Google looks at content and determines how to rank it, they look at the content’s quality. They want to see how useful it is for a particular target audience. 

They want to see the usefulness and relevance it is to your target market. For example, if you were to write a blog article on a particular topic and it helped your target market a lot with whatever problem they had, Google might bump up your website a little higher because of that article. 

SEO Meta Tags

Meta tags are important because they’re often the first thing someone sees before they click on your website. It’s the heading and description of your link on a Google search. 

Google also looks at these to see if how well you are conveying your message on a search. 

If you want to generate more clicks, you need to consider writing persuasive meta tags. You need to add the keyword in the meta tags and make it compelling enough for your target market to click on it. 

Everything You Need to Know About SEM

SEM stands for search engine marketing. It’s different from SEO because you have to pay for this kind of marketing. SEO is about using keywords and writing a lot of content to be found without paying for ads. 

Here’s a breakdown of how SEM works and how it can benefit your business. 

SEM Bidding

If you want your ads to be seen, you need to have a certain bid. That means you want to create ads with keywords. 

When someone searches for something with the keyword included, you pay for Google however much you bid on. You also have to remember that your competitors are also bidding, so if you want to outbid them and make sure your ad is shown more, you will need to pay more for certain keywords. 

SEM Focus

If you want your SEM ads to do well, you need to have a goal. 

If your goal is to generate more clicks and website visits, you should consider using the cost-per-click Google bidding. This is what kind of focus you want when you run Google ads. 

Besides, you can also have a conversion campaign when you are doing SEM. For example, if you are trying to accomplish the goal of more conversions, Google will make sure you have a bid that optimizes your conversions. 

You also want to make sure you set an ad budget. You don’t want to overspend on ads that aren’t working. 

Now You Know the Difference Between SEO and SEM

Knowing the difference between SEO and SEM can do a lot for your business. It can clear up any confusion on which one will work better for your business. It’s important to remember that they each serve a unique purpose in your business. 

In fact, SEO and SEM can work together to generate more website traffic. You can use both to talk about your brand and produce quality content that drives in more traffic. This article can help you get started on generating more website traffic and generating more revenue. 

If you need help with your SEO or SEM campaign, you can contact us here

If you own a business, there are several ways to improve your online marketing strategy so that you can increase your lead generation, conversion rates, and ultimately, profit. One of the best ways to guarantee long-term growth, however, is to stay on top of the trends running the industry. This ensures that you’re never left behind and that you remain competitive.

If that’s something you’re interested in, read on to learn about the upcoming top digital marketing trends.

1. AI Is Growing

artificial intelligence (AI) has slowly begun to play a larger and larger role in business and digital marketing activities in all areas. In fact, 80% of business and tech leaders claim that AI boosts their productivity already.

You can take advantage of this productivity boost yourself by using AI technology to make your processes more accurate and efficient, boosting customer experience along the way.

Marketing chatbots are just one example of the power of AI.

2. Micro-Influencers Are Taking Over

Influencers are nothing new, and for a while, people thought influencer marketing might be on the decline. This changed when the global pandemic pushed more people online than ever before, and micro-influencers began to take over the scene. Micro-influencers are influencers with smaller followings of 1,000 to 100,000 followers.

Micro-influencers are taking over because they maintain more niche pages and are seen as experts in their industry or passion. As a result of this and the fact that they are smaller, their audiences are more engaged and trusting. Their smaller audiences are also more easily defined.

Another bonus: They’re cheaper than regular influencers with larger followings.

3. Video Is Always a Good Idea

They say content is king, and they’re right, but videos are the king of content.

Human eyes are attracted to movement, and due to our instincts, video is more attention-grabbing and stimulating than other forms of content. It also involves more senses – visual and audio. As a result, audiences watch video content longer.

This makes video advertising more effective and easy to remember. Studies even show that 95% of a message is recalled by viewers when in a video format, compared to a mere 10% when it’s portrayed in the text.

It’s also worth noting that it’s easier to invoke action-inducing emotion with video content.

4. Advertising on Messaging Apps

Among the upcoming digital marketing trends is the move towards advertising on messaging apps. You wouldn’t think users would need more than one, but people contact others through an assortment of messaging apps available. Facebook Messenger, Instagram direct message, and Whatsapp are just a few.

Advertising on messaging apps works because it’s taking place where conversations are already happening and the consumer is ready to take in information. Here, your business is associated with the other important contacts in a consumer’s life.

Messaging apps are great because they encourage conversation with your brand. It’s the opportunity to provide customer support, build relationships, and grow customer loyalty.

5. Voice Search Is on the Rise

About 50% of all searches made online are predicted to be made via voice search. It’s important to make voice search optimization a part of your marketing game plan.

Part of the reason voice search is growing is that people are realizing that it’s faster and easier than typing when you’re on the go. In some cases, such as when driving, it’s also safer.

The important thing to keep in mind for voice search is that people speak differently than they type, so you’ll want to adjust your SEO strategy and keywords to account for this.

6. Say Hello to AR and VR

Both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are on the rise, and smart, successful businesses are thinking about how to implement them in their digital marketing strategy.

AR and VR allow a customer to experience your place, product, or event without having to be there physically. It may seem futuristic, but it will soon be expected by users when competitors are providing AR and VR options.

This trend is especially important for online businesses or those with customers that can’t go onsite.

7. Stick With Social

Social media has been a popular part of online marketing for a while, but the number of users and time spent on social media platforms is only growing.

Plus, social media is always changing. To run a successful social media business page, you need to stay up to date on all of the platform’s unique changes, additions, and features.

Social media users continue to open up to following and connecting with brands that maintain a strong social media presence. This form of marketing will continue to be one of the best ways to build your brand community and generate leads.

8. Try Out TikTok

On the topic of social media, a likely huge player in marketing will be TikTok. Over the past year, the number of users on TikTok outside of China has exploded. Better yet, a huge portion of TikTok users are the younger audiences many brands target.

Make sure that if you create a paid social advertising strategy that you consider promoting on TikTok.

9. Focus on Customer Retention

As far as marketing trends go, successful businesses are beginning to realize that it’s cheaper and easier to keep customers than it is to find new ones. As a result, customer retention should take up a good amount of your business strategy. Brand loyal customers are also more valuable because they’re repeat-buyers and spread the word.

To work on retaining more of your customers, focus on personalizing their experience. A great way to do this is by segmenting your audience so that you’re not trying the same tactics on everyone.

Use These Digital Marketing Trends to Win

Staying informed of digital marketing trends is essential if you want your business to succeed. This is especially the case as more businesses move online, amping up the competition.

Found this article helpful and want to know more about improving your online marketing? Check out our marketing services today.

As a business, your website must stand out from the billions of others even when you’re vying for local customer attention. If you’re a startup, it might be difficult to compete against industry titans. It’s especially tough when you have limited funds.

Don’t despair yet.

With this guide, you’ll learn how to improve your online marketing efforts. That way, you can get a loyal customer base and maintain your presence. Read on and find out more:

1. Optimize Your Website for Various Platforms

Did you ever test your website on various devices? After all, 72.6% of the entire internet will browse the World Wide Web using their smartphones by 2025. That’s why you must assume that your customers use various sources to view your website.

Once you ascertain this, you must focus on delivering a consistently positive experience for each platform. Achieving it is possible by ensuring that your website functions seamlessly across various devices. This includes PCs, Macs, smartphones, and tablets.

2. Make a Simple Checkout Path

This means your visitors must have an easy path to the finish line: buying your product or availing your service. You don’t want your customers to get distracted by wandering away from what your business can offer. A good method of doing this is to make checking out easier to spot, like using a big, obvious shopping cart icon.

Another approach is to be a minimalist. Don’t use background patterns and limit your use of graphics while maintaining site design colors to 2-3. Also, ensure that your links open in new tabs to ensure that they won’t get redirected away from your website.

3. Offer Free Shipping

Is your website made for selling products? If so, a good way to stand above your competitors is to offer free shipping promotions. Online shoppers prefer working with businesses offering this feature, with 77% of them insisting that it must be an option.

The worst thing your customers experience is to get surprised by unexpected shipping costs. If you do this, you can expect your conversion rates to get lower.

4. Improve Your SEO Efforts

If you don’t know what SEO is, likely, your website won’t last long. It’s because Search Engine Optimization is the ultimate way for Google to notice your business. This means people are more likely to find you when they search online.

A good place to start is to improve your content. This means you must focus on making high-quality, relevant content for your website. After that, manage your backlinks and ensure everything comes from reputable sources.

5. Make Social Media Accounts

Your company’s social media presence is as important as your website when driving customers to your business. At the very least, having social media profiles improves your online visibility. But the main draw of having a well-managed social media account is to increase the trust customers place in your business.

When delving into social media, you must at least have an account for the three major platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This ensures that your client base keeps on engaging your business. Regardless, be helpful and cordial to your followers.

6. Get Listings in Free Directories

Free directories across the internet may already list your website automatically. That’s why the only thing you must do is to ensure that this information remains consistent across various listings. If you do this, Google will rank your website higher on the search engine results page.

You can use platforms and tools to automatically search and update any business listing on the internet. If you’re willing to pay extra, this option is great. Otherwise, doing manual claims and updates is the way to go.

7. Use Video Marketing

Now is the best time to consider adding engaging video content into your marketing strategy. It’s especially important when you use it on social media platforms. Posting a short, entertaining video can turn lots of attention in your direction.

An effective technique is to demonstrate your product in an interesting light. Ensure that it’s a quick, fast-moving clip with engaging music. You only have a few seconds to catch your customers’ attention—use it to increase conversions.

8. Get Positive Reviews

Your customer’s feedback is important. When new prospects see your brand, they must know how you managed to impress your existing clients. This increases their trust and makes them more willing to do business with you.

Always work to resolve issues your clients encounter while working with you. This decreases your likelihood of getting negative reviews. Learn how to craft a brand awareness strategy for your business to build positive buzz.

9. Study Website Data

Knowing what your audience does when they get into your website is a blessing. This allows you to make more important decisions to enhance your online conversions. A good way to do this is to take online marketing courses and use tools like Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is useful since it gives you a map of the things happening in your web traffic. This allows you to see the right direction and improve how people find you.

10. Run Ads on Either Facebook or Google

Facebook made lots of improvements to its ad management system. Using this alongside Google Ads are invaluable to your online marketing efforts. These might not lead to direct conversions, but they’re great at making your audience more aware of your content.

But the primary benefit of running ads is to improve website traffic. Awareness and traffic are two components that must happen before sales can take place. To make the most out of it, ensure that your ads only reach your intended audience.

Learn Online Marketing Today!

These are some tips to improve your online marketing efforts. Use these if you want to increase your business’s online visibility and find more customers.

Do you need a reputable online marketing agency? If so, contact us today and let us work together for your company’s betterment.

11 Comprehensive Marketing Strategies,
From Planning To Lead Generation.

By Jason Delfos, President & Founder of Mad Group Consulting, Inc.


In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of 2024, navigating the marketing landscape has become an exhilarating challenge. With a continuous influx of competitors, the realm of advertising and marketing buzzes with opportunities to innovate and stand out. Recognizing that most businesses allocate a modest 5-10% of their gross sales to marketing, the key lies in strategically channeling these resources into a well-orchestrated tactical plan. This guide is your compass through this thrilling journey, steering you from the foundational stages of research and brand crafting to the art of strategy formulation, seamless execution, and the critical phases of evaluation and enhancement, culminating in the crafting of compelling case studies.

Before embarking on this adventure, we presume your brand’s vision, core focus, and values are crystal-clear and resonate with your organizational ethos. These pillars are the heartbeat of your marketing endeavors, influencing every aspect from messaging to brand promotion, targeting your cherished markets, and achieving your ambitious goals through an integrated marketing approach.

Step 1 — How To Correct The Foundational Mistake Most Companies Make

Often, businesses overlook the goldmine of understanding their ideal prospects. Understand who your best prospects are and what they appreciate most. When choosing the best prospects to market to, there are a few questions to ask yourself before you begin. Do your prospects align with the values of your company? Will they add or detract from the vision your company is committed to? Will they be enjoyable to work with, and can your team be inspired by their quest? Are they low-hanging fruit? Are they attainable with the resources you have? Do you have the resources to serve them well? Lastly, will they be profitable for you and do they have the resources to become a long-term client? Once you’ve answered these questions and you’ve created the parameters of your best prospects, now it’s time to do your research on what matters most to them and their influencers? What and where are their emotional trigger points (will they react to your messaging)? What are their needs occasions? What is their lifestyle like? And what walls will you have to tear down to build their trust?

Step 2 — How To Get The Edge On Your Competitors In 2024

In a landscape where trust and competence are baseline expectations, distinguishing your unique offerings is paramount. Understand who your competitors are and how they are positioned in your markets. It’s not enough to be trustworthy or competent these days, because your competitors may also be trustworthy and just as competent. The key is to understand the “perceived” differences between you and them and then highlight them if they can add leverage to your message. A great way to do this is to develop a comparison chart that not only showcases your distinctive attributes against competitors but also graciously acknowledges their strengths. This transparency builds immense trust and piques the interest of your audience. A comparison chart is a list of services and attributes that you place side-by-side against your competitors and the industry at large. This highlights in plain view where you stand compared to them, and how high your standards are versus the industry standards. We recommend that you be as honest as possible in portraying your strengths and weaknesses, and we also recommend that you give proper credit to your competitors. By this act of transparency, you build immense trust and increase your chances of your viewers contacting you for more information.

Step 3 — The Marketing Strategy Jackpot

Discover the uncharted territories within your market. Understand what is unserved or underserved in your markets. As a consumer have you ever asked yourself, “I wish this thing came with a…” or “If only they made this thing stronger, lighter, smaller, more flexible…?.” Also, “It would be great if there was more variety, for much less…?” Or even the opposite, “…less variety, less often, with more exclusivity…”. These are just examples to demonstrate that in every market for every service and every product, consumers and businesses are wishing for more. Richard Branson started Virgin Airlines because no airlines offered a direct flight from the Virgin Islands to the US in 1984. He also started Virgin Mobile because college students didn’t have enough credit to get cell phones, hence the beginning of prepaid phones. Markets are always underserved and you can be the company that identifies and develops solutions to fill some of those needs, which will help you stand out from the crowd, especially if you add these differentiators to your comparison chart.

Step 4 — Make This A High Priority Item...

Addressing industry complaints can be your secret weapon. In an era where agility and innovation are the norms, honing in on these pain points can elevate your company to a preferred choice for potential clients, turning challenges into victories. Try to be the company that addresses these. It could be subpar service, quality, reliability, or availability. Since businesses these days are innovating more rapidly than ever, it’s important to be constantly improving just to stay competitive. If those improvements zero in at key focal points of discontent, then you may be a more attractive choice to potential clients than others in your marketplace. But in all cases, these complaints are opportunities to get ahead of competitors and they should be capitalized upon in your marketing efforts.

“Can’t they make these things stronger?”
“Every company we call is closed on Saturdays...”

If you address these most common complaints, you can promote this in your marketing. The fact that you make things more convenient for your clients or do them better or faster should be a distinctive part of your brand message. Highlight them as game-changers and be specific in the details so prospects believe you.

Step 5 — If You Don't Have This... You're Going Down!

The Art of Brand Magnetism — Build brand trust by connecting emotionally and increasing your likability factor. This may seem like an odd or simplistic recommendation, but likability is the number one factor for separating competitors at the top of the market. The difference between the top three competitors in each market is so minuscule that it’s truly difficult to compare competence or differentiators. This is when “likability” becomes the separator. Human beings are emotional decision-makers and if people like and connect with your brand there’s a good chance they’ll do business with you. If they like you they will most likely trust you. Survey Monkey reports that two-thirds of adults in the US say that trust in a brand has a great deal (31%) or a lot (37%) of influence on their decision when making a big purchase.

One of the most effective ways to build likability and trust within your brand is to put “personality” into your messaging and visuals. Add flavor, humor, wit, attitude, moxie, cleverness, warmth, and passion into your headlines, sub-headlines, and wherever you can in your body text. Try to avoid matter-of-fact writing. Try not to be dry, sterile, and hyper-literal. Show who you are at your most relaxed and charming state and readers will pick up on this and be more receptive and responsive. Just like in life, people will gravitate towards those whom they like best, not necessarily those that are the best. Likability fosters trust, paving the way for lasting business relationships.

Step 6 — How To Create The Ultimate Marketing Strategy In 2024

Develop a marketing strategy that is as diverse as your audience. To generate leads and attract the clientele you desire, we recommend a multifaceted, multi-tiered approach to your marketing strategy.

1. Start With Specific Goals — Units To Be Sold or Dollars To Be Earned

Start with your goals and work backward. Your goals are different from your projections. Your goals should be set higher than your projections because you are going to allocate time, money, and effort to change the course you’re on.

Once you have created your goals in dollars or units, then it is time to understand and outline which revenue streams will get you to those goals. In other words, break down the services that will get you to those goals and understand how much each service will earn you. If it seems difficult to do that with the current services you offer, you might have to introduce new services or products to get you there.

2. Outline Your Tiers And Leads

Once you have your goals defined by each service you offer, or by the products you sell, now it’s time to estimate the number of leads (phone calls or inquiries) you will need to get you there. The way to do this is to look at industry averages and your averages to see how many leads you will need to close the required amount of deals.

We recommend going a step further and breaking down your client sales into tiers. For example, the clients that spend the most would be top tier sales or tier-one clients. Then tier two clients would be mid-range clients, and tier three clients would be lower dollar amount sales, usually the bulk of your business. Once you have broken these down and estimated sales in each tier, you can now estimate leads needed in each category and devise your marketing strategy according to these tiers. Now you can allocate marketing dollars and programs that will reach each of these clientele groups, plus you can create up-sell programs that will move clients to a higher tier.

3. Combine Digital Marketing With Traditional Media Marketing

We recommend breaking down your marketing approach into two main categories, Digital Marketing and Traditional Media Marketing. Digital marketing might include, Email Marketing, Google Paid Advertising, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Banner Advertising, Social Media Marketing, and all things internet related.

Traditional Media Marketing might include direct mail campaigns, letter-writing campaigns, magazine ads, posters, trade shows, radio, TV, flyers, billboards, and all things non-internet related. Please keep in mind that these marketing mediums might need to be coordinated to support each other. For instance, if you send out a direct mail piece, it might be prudent to back it up with an email campaign directing the same prospects to landing pages or your website.

A recent survey showed that 33% of consumers don’t trust in those brands that don’t offer printed communications and 69% would never choose a company with no printed bill option for transactions. Though digital marketing may be the most effective and efficient means for generating leads, it might not always be the best way to convert leads into clients. A hand-written letter to a prospect or a lead may be far more effective than a text message or an email. A brochure picked up at a car dealership with an insert providing useful pricing information and comparison charts may be more connecting and effective than information from a website. Every touch-point of the customer journey should be evaluated to see whether digital or traditional marketing should be used.

4. The Big Mistake—Avoid Underestimating What It Takes To Generate Good Leads

Remarkably, there are few marketing agencies that are thorough enough with their approach to creating marketing plans. Most often, they are haphazardly put together without specific details or approaches. Quite frankly, most marketing consulting firms severely underestimate what it takes to attract great clients.

Once you’ve chosen the marketing mediums that you think might be most effective in reaching your audiences, it’s time to estimate the number of leads each medium should bring you each month and each quarter. Your budget needs to allow for the number of leads you are aiming for. Please be realistic, and do not underestimate the effort and the money it takes to generate good leads.

5. The 12-Month Marketing Calendar

Once you’ve broken all of these down into estimated leads generated by marketing mediums, tiers, and services or products sold, it’s time to create a twelve-month spreadsheet showing what marketing mediums you are using each month, and how many dollars you are allocating to each medium each month. Also, you need to estimate how many qualified leads you expect to generate each month. Please estimate on the lower side of averages until you have dialed in each marketing program with A-B testing and tweaking.

Now that you have the twelve-month calendar organized by each marketing service or medium that you’ll use to get you to your goals, it’s time to get more specific about the strategies and actions you will need to deploy each quarter to get you there. It will be very difficult to plan for more than one quarter. Break down January through March, April through June, and so on. Once you have broken down all of these details of your goals, audiences, leads, marketing mediums, calendars, and activities, you are ready to move forward on developing targeted prospects for your business.

Step 7 — You Won't Be Considered Unless You...

Stay top-of-mind. Remaining visible and engaging in the consumer’s mind is key. When you create your quarterly or annual marketing plan and budget, be sure to develop one plan for long-term return on investment (ROI) and another for short-term ROI gain. For instance, if you are competing for market share, it is super important to be seen, heard, and talked about frequently—in other words, stay top-of-mind. This is important so that you are not forgotten when potential clients are ready to make purchasing decisions. You always want to be amongst the top two or three choices when the conversation arises to make a buying decision. Staying top-of-mind may not pay off short-term ROI, but it is every bit as important as an instant ROI marketing program. We usually recommend running both short and long marketing programs simultaneously. You simply can’t entice buyers constantly by great offers and call-to-actions. It is imperative to attract people to your brand and namesake through educating, informing, and being a friend to those who would benefit from your expertise whether they are a client or not. This is where brand marketing comes into play.

Brand marketing is just being your prospect’s best friend. It’s less about marketing and more about inspiring quotes, educational how-tos, gift ideas for your birthday, getting real with emotionally connecting dialog and human-like conversations. These are all excuses to reach out on a monthly or regular basis to connect with them. According to, recent research has found that in the US, almost 2-in-3 consumers (64%) feel that companies have lost touch with the human element of the customer experience. So, spend time and money on long-term brand marketing while you also focus on short-term programs. The majority of marketing and advertising firms will rely on stale tactics that don’t produce desirable results. On that note, review 11 tips for creating effective CTA’s.

Step 8 — 11 Tips For Creating Irresistible Call-To-Actions

Crafting a call-to-action that captivates and converts is an art. Improve short-term ROI with these Call-to-action tips. For a more direct approach to marketing a call-to-action is one of the best ways to attract attention and sales. A call-to-action (CTA) is an offering, invitation, or emotional prompter that get’s people to take an action they otherwise would not have taken. The question to always ask yourself when creating a Call-To-Action is, is it irresistible? Does it make you want a thing more now than ever before? Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating call-to-actions.

  1. Understand what your competitors are offering before you create yours
  2. Calculate what the average lifetime value of your client is and then decide what you are willing to part with to get that client. (To learn how to calculate Average Lifetime Value - click here)
  3. Make your call-to-actions difficult to refuse
  4. Make them trustworthy and believable
  5. Make them clear and precise and be upfront about their restrictions
  6. Add a limited time-frame and a sense of urgency to them
  7. Complement them with other supporting benefits
  8. Be honorable and never try to deceive
  9. Use promo codes to track the success
  10. Package your offerings with other complementing products or services. eg. Free drink and fries with the purchase of a burger
  11. Understand that call-to-actions don’t have to be about direct and immediate ROI. They can be an invitation to an event or an emotional plea to learn more, or, simply to subscribe to something. Whatever they may be, please have a goal in mind for what you want them to achieve for you.

Step 9 — Improve Conversions By Over 400% With This Marketing Agency Approach

Transform your website into a conversion powerhouse with strategic marketing funnels. Guide your prospects through a journey of discovery and trust-building before making your pitch, significantly enhancing the likelihood of conversion. Create tactical marketing funnels on your website. It’s tempting to design your marketing with a direct selling approach, but we recommend introducing your prospects to helpful information before you ask for the sale. This is a great way to build trust and introduce them to your company without scaring them. Also, since Google rewards websites that have high click-through rates, this marketing approach can create a higher organic website ranking which in turn gives your traffic a boost. To paint a more vivid picture of a website marketing funnel, this diagram shows how visitors filter down from a wider audience to a select few who may become leads and clients. As an example, for every hundred clients that visit your website, it is typical that two of them may become leads. 2-4% is average depending on which industry you’re in, however lower and higher traffic-to-lead ratios are common.

There are formulas and tactics for making effective marketing funnels, but top things to consider when guiding them through your website are to whet their appetite with a provocative headline and brief content that has them digging for more. Once they have clicked into a different page, give them helpful information that benefits them and prompt them to take action, or learn more. Continue this sequence of giving information and prompting action. The deeper they go, the higher the chance of them taking action. Do this throughout your website or landing pages with various products or services and watch your leads and click-through rates increase.

Step 10 — The Most Powerful Formula For Success...

Embrace the rhythm of constant testing, tracking, and tweaking in your marketing ballet. Test, track, tweak and repeat. Marketing is often about failure. The sooner you accept that the sooner you’ll be successful in your marketing efforts. The key is to fail small and soon. But to minimize failure and losses, you’ll have to spend time and money on research and testing. Read as much as you can on best practices and successful campaigns within your industry. Get advice from marketing experts and listen to them through trial and error. If you have chosen a seasoned marketing professional, your personal opinion might not carry as much relevance as theirs. Remember data will tell the story about your successes and failures. Comprehensive AB testing will give you data information. But don’t rely only on bits of data, stick to a comprehensive strategy that’s measured over time. If quick ROI is your goal, remember that quick ROI comes after months and sometimes years of trial and error. In other words, quick ROI is very hard to come by and often includes luck.

After you’ve tested, tracked, and tweaked your marketing, you should be left with the highest performing campaigns. Use these as your go-to campaigns, but don’t stop there. Keep testing against the best campaigns using tried and true methods you’ve developed through the process. This is where you start to see your investments pay off tremendously. If you stay with a long-term approach and make improvements along the way, you’ll feel you earned your success rightfully.

Step 11 — A Winning Format For Creating Case Studies

Case Studies and success stories stories can be an extraordinary tool for convincing prospects that you can achieve success for them. If you format your case study properly, you can show viewers the progression from start to success and give them specific details about the journey. For example, you can start with a compelling title that states your results and then follow a format that looks something like this: A “Title & Subhead”, An “Overview” paragraph, A “Challenges” paragraph, A “Solutions” paragraph, A “Results” paragraph.

Case studies are your narrative tools that spellbind prospects with stories of challenges transformed into triumphs. They are the testament to your brand’s problem-solving prowess and success. The goal is to tell a coherent, easy-to-follow story that includes charts and statistics, before and afters, praises, and testimonials, and any information that tells the effect your efforts had on their success. Please note that the case studies should be written by your company, not the client. If you wait for the client to write one for you it’s hardly likely it will get written, and especially not in the manner that would satisfy you. The best way to approach this is to write it as accurately and forthcoming as possible, then ask your client to endorse what you’ve written by writing a testimonial that supports it.

How To Stop The Bleeding And Missed Opportunities:
Though our marketing agency strategy guide might be overwhelming, it has left out volumes of information that are needed to master marketing planning and execution. There’s no need to research local marketing companies – don’t waste your time. Hopefully, though, this has given you a step-by-step overview of how to approach your marketing so that you don’t waste money and brand equity on mediocre marketing firms. For professional advice or marketing planning please reach out to us at MAD Group and we will let you know if and how we can help you. Cheers to your future success.

Video marketing is a crucial part of any campaign today. It does, however, present an SEO problem. Search engines can’t watch videos, so how do you make sure your video is at the top of the search results?

SEO can be worth thousands of dollars for small businesses. With this in mind, how can you harness the power of SEO and video marketing?

There are ways to do both, and we’re here to tell you how.

Are you ready to start combining the power of video marketing and SEO? Do you want to make your business grow? Then read on and find out how you can optimize video content for SEO.

Provide a Transcript

This is probably the easiest way to optimize video content: the script will need to be optimized for SEO itself. You will then provide a transcript for the video on the same page.

By doing this, you are not only optimizing the video’s page for SEO, but you are also providing a service. Deaf viewers and those who cannot watch videos will enjoy reading your transcript.

How many times have you wanted to watch a video, but not had headphones? Have you even bothered to go back and watch that video later? A transcript decreases the bounce rate and lets you access a wider audience as well as improving your video’s SEO optimization.

Choose the Right Platform

You should carefully consider which video platform you upload to. Each one offers different ways to optimize video content.

Youtube is the default, but make sure to do your research. Some providers, particularly those that are aimed at marketers, will add SEO-friendly metadata for you. Good metadata is a huge part of a video’s search engine optimization and determines its place in the search results.

If you’re just trying to build brand awareness, then Youtube and Vimeo are still the best bet.

Optimize Your Metadata

As we mentioned, some platforms will sort out your metadata for you, but it’s better to do it yourself.

You should research keywords before you even make your video. Once you’ve established what keywords you want to use, you need to make sure your video’s metadata is optimized.

The primary keyword should be in the video title. You also need to add them to the description, but avoid keyword stuffing.

Video descriptions should be over 250 words in length. This provides enough room to optimize the video for SEO.

Ensure that you include great tags for your video. Your main keyword should be the first tag, and relevant secondary keywords should follow.

Choose a Great Thumbnail

Your video’s thumbnail should be instantly engaging for the audience. If it’s drab, you won’t get as many clicks and your ranking will decrease.

Choose an engaging, beautiful, and thought-provoking thumbnail. It could be a still from your video or a related image. The main aim is to improve the number of clicks on your video, so let your imagination run wild.

Embed Your Video

Embedding your video on your site can help your video’s ranking improve. However, there are a couple of guidelines to be aware of:

  1. If you want to optimize video content, you should know that Google typically stops crawling after the first video. If you’re embedding more than one video, use the one you want to promote as the first video on the page.
  2. Don’t embed the same video on multiple pages. You will end up competing with yourself.

Optimize Video Content By Making It the Centerpiece

Your video should be the center of your web page. The whole page it is on should be built around the video.

Sometimes, you’ll see videos hidden at the bottom of pages, which isn’t the correct placement. You want your audience to watch your video, right?

Search engines are also more likely to crawl your video if it’s visible on the page. Make watching the video an essential part of the page’s experience.

Create an SEO Strategy For Your Videos

Your videos need to be relevant and related. If you’re a culinary business, you shouldn’t be making videos about tech.

Create an SEO strategy for your video content. You should know what topics you want to cover, their ideal length, their release schedule, and how you’ll promote them.

This kind of strategy will keep viewers coming back to your content. A regular release schedule and video length is comforting and lets them incorporate watching your video into their days. This gets you more clicks, which improves your SEO.

Promote Your Videos

Video marketing isn’t as simple as uploading a video and then leaving it alone. You need to promote your videos constantly.

Promoting your videos means that more people will watch your content, more people will subscribe, and people will continue to watch your videos. This will result in better search engine rankings.

Share them via email, social media, and your website. You could even provide your channel with a paid advertising campaign. The end goal is to get more viewers, and promotion will help you achieve that.

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to optimize video content can be difficult. The payoff is well worth the effort, though. Better SEO means more viewers and brand awareness.

This is what you need to be doing in video marketing in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

If you’re not sure what your next steps are, we can help you. Our success stories speak for themselves. We have proven ourselves as a capable and skilled marketing company.

Get in touch with us today and we’ll be able to answer any questions you may have and give you a quote for our services.

More than half the world’s population is online. Even more people are accessing the Internet for the first time every day, so the chances are great that your customers are online.

You might be wondering, how you can reach them? This is where new media marketing comes in. What exactly is new media marketing, and how can you use it to find your audience?

This guide has everything you need to know.

Defining New Media Marketing

New media marketing is simply marketing that leverages any kind of “new media.”

The term new media usually refers to technology-based communication platforms. Most of these platforms are web-based technologies, like instant messaging and email.

As new technology becomes available, what counts as “new media” shifts. While websites and email were once considered new media, they’ve been edged out by video and social media.

Some people will say new media marketing includes:

  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Search engine optimization
  • Search engine marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Content marketing

It may be more helpful to think of new media as digital channels. The term digital marketing overlaps with what’s been considered “new media.” It also continues to include older forms of digital marketing, like email.

Choosing New Media Channels for Digital Marketing

New media strategies often involve more than one channel for marketing. You may want to advertise on Facebook and also start an email campaign for your business.

Some companies invest in PPC campaigns and also work to improve their SEO.

One of the issues facing companies today is the number of choices they have. Many channels work well together, making it difficult to choose one.

SEO, for example, works very well with content marketing. In turn, social media marketing can support both content marketing and SEO efforts.

When you have a limited budget, you may feel as though you need to pick just one digital media channel and stick with it.

Comparing Channels

So, which channel gives you the best return on your investment?

The question is a bit more difficult to answer than you might think. While most new media channels allow you to collect data, it can be hard to determine if you’re getting results.

Take social media marketing, for example. You may measure the success of your campaign by the number of clicks, likes, and shares your posts receive.

Is that actually doing anything for your brand, though? True success is usually measured in terms of growth and sales. You may get a ton of likes, but does it matter if you’re not making any sales?

The answer is: it depends. If your goal is to increase sales, then social media marketing may not pay off. You might want to invest in email marketing or PPC ads, which tend to be better at generating clicks and leads.

If your goal is to increase brand awareness, social media marketing may give you the most value.

Set Goals to Determine Channels

As you can see from the examples, the effectiveness of any new media channel depends on your goals.

It’s important to select more than one channel. Social media can help you increase brand awareness. PPC ads will generate more leads.

SEO may generate more traffic, but only if you’ve invested in great content. Content marketing may increase both your SEO and your social media.

Meet Your Audience Where They Are

Another key to devising an effective digital media strategy is to determine who your audience is and where they are.

A quick look at social media usage will provide some insight. Facebook tends to be populated by older users, while Instagram is used by the younger generation.

If you’re trying to reach people who are over 50, Instagram probably isn’t as important as Facebook. If you’re hoping to connect with B2B (business-to-business) clients, then LinkedIn may be the most important channel.

Every audience wants good content. A great SEO strategy will help you rank higher in the search results. A high ranking helps people find you through search.

People are definitely searching for information. Google handles billions of searches every day. No matter who your audience is, chances are they’re conducting a search at some point.

Email marketing is often useful for the customers you already have. It also works with content marketing, as people may sign up for a newsletter or exchange contact details for information. You can then add these interested parties to your mailing lists and send them offers.

The key is to meet your audience where they are. If someone is checking their inbox or posting on LinkedIn, your Tweets aren’t going to reach them.

Does it Work?

A key question people have regarding these kinds of media strategies is: “Do they work?”

The short answer is, “yes.” The more complex answer is, “yes, assuming they’re handled correctly.”

Companies with good marketing realize the following benefits from new media marketing:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • Higher traffic to website
  • Improved lead generation
  • Better lead quality
  • Higher conversions
  • Better brand visibility

Digital media is attractive because it’s lower cost than traditional marketing channels.

It may also seem easier. You can create an ad on Google Ads in seconds, and sending out an email blast may seem as simple as hitting send.

However, that doesn’t mean these will be effective campaigns. Using digital media properly takes time, effort, and creativity.

Many business owners work with social media marketing companies and digital media agencies. The agency can provide a team of experts who will work with you to craft campaigns that actually work.

A New Marketing Strategy Just for You

New media marketing can be effective, but using it the right way can be a challenge. If you’re not sure where to start, get in touch with the experts. They’ll help you create a strategy to power your business to the next level of success.

Advertisers are looking to increase their spending to the tune of six percent in 2020. Experts predict that digital marketing will make up half of that spending, for the first time in history.

If you’re looking to increase your marketing in the year ahead, you’re likely looking at new opportunities. The good news is that there are plenty of options.

Which options are worth your time? Check out these five types of digital marketing. You may discover the perfect fit.

1. Email Marketing is Not Dead

If you’re looking for a digital marketing introduction, you may want to consider email marketing.

Email has been around long enough to be considered old-fashioned by some people, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an effective way to reach people. Email is one of the most effective channels, providing the highest ROI.

Most Americans have an email address, and many of them check it regularly. Some even say they prefer to receive emails about promotions and special offers. If you’re contacting people with consent, they’re usually happy to receive messages from you.

Consider starting a newsletter to tell your customers about new products or exciting company news. If you have seasonal sales, email may be the best way to reach people.

Don’t forget about personalization. You can use your business data to analyze what someone already bought and send them an offer for a complementary product. Consider sending them an automated renewal reminder when it’s time to restock.

People like receiving personalized offers, it encourages them to buy.

2. SEO Marketing is Key

Another digital marketing tool you may want to consider for your business is search engine optimization. If you have a website, you should be using SEO.

SEO helps your page rank higher on Google and other search engines. Higher rankings translate into more traffic to your site while improving your brand visibility.

Ranking high in search engine results means people can actually find you. Whether you need ad revenue from the site or you want to find new leads, SEO can help you achieve your goals.

SEO also supports many other types of digital marketing. Try combining SEO with another marketing strategy and watch your results grow.

3. Content is One of the Most Popular Types of Digital Marketing

Content is king on the Internet. Your audience has questions, and you have the answers. Or, perhaps people are just looking for entertaining videos.

No matter what your audience is searching for, you can deliver it to them with content marketing.

Marketing with content involves the creation of blog posts or videos that people crave, which drives them to your website. It also helps them learn about your brand.

Content is extremely important for social media. You can share content with your followers. In turn, they can share it with their followers.

Content offers can be an effective way of getting information from people. Someone may register through your site so they can receive an eBook full of industry insight. You can then reach out to them and discover more about how your product or service could help them.

As you can see, there are many ways to use content for effective marketing. Content marketing also pairs perfectly with other types of digital marketing. Consider adding SEO or social media marketing to your content strategy.

4. Social Media Marketing is Growing

Social media may not be the most effective type of digital marketing, but it is gaining popularity.

Social media marketing involves a combination of organic posts and paid posts. In either case, building a following on social media is essential to reaching people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Social media does much more, which includes helping cultivate the brand identity and improving the brand visibility.

You can also connect with your customers and leads via social media. Engaging in conversations and supporting them can help you grow long-term relationships.

Keep in mind that it’s easier to keep an existing customer than it is to find a new one. Repeat customers also buy more from you. Social media can help you develop relationships with these people and keep them coming back.

Finally, social media may allow you to connect with influencers. Influencer marketing has become more popular as brands look for new ways to reach their audience.

5. PPC Marketing Can be a Smart Choice

The oldest digital marketing example is usually pay per click campaigns. PPC has been around almost since the dawn of the Internet.

PPC is exactly what it sounds like. You buy an ad through a bidding process. When someone clicks the ad, you pay the bid price.

PPC allows you to tap into extensive advertising networks. Google Ads is probably the most well known. Facebook also has a PPC ad program.

Today’s PPC programs are quite sophisticated. Google doesn’t just take the highest bid, but also examines the quality of the ad and how it relates to the keywords you’re bidding on.

PPC programs may also have remarketing features, which allow you to reach interested parties again. If someone clicks your ad, remarketing allows you to show them a “follow up” ad. This second ad may be what makes the sale.

PPC can be cost-effective, because you only pay when someone clicks the ad. Some keywords aren’t too competitive, which keeps bids low. Make sure to protect yourself against clicks and high bids, which will increase your costs.

New Year, New Strategy

These are only some of the major types of digital marketing. There are many options for business owners like you.

If you’re ready to try out a few new digital marketing channels, get in touch with an expert team. Building a better marketing strategy can be quite simple.

Close your eyes and think of Coca Cola. Now think of Nike. Now try Apple. Those logos, colors, and images are probably vivid in your head. You might never have owned an Apple product or worn a pair of Nikes. But you know their style and logos without even thinking.

That’s the power of branding.

It’s more than just knowing a company though. The branding process is present at every level of a successful business and creates a cohesive, living brand that the audience can identify.

Do you want your brand to be strong and clear from the start? Do you want people to immediately think of your business when they need the services or products that you offer?

Well, it all begins with your branding. Let’s dive into the branding process and look at how a powerful brand is created.

What Exactly Is a Brand?

A brand is a set of identifying characteristics that separate your business from another.

The first thing you might think of in branding is the logo. And logos are extremely powerful. This is the visual side of branding that extends to the colors, font, and image types your brand uses.

A brand is also made up of its communication, how it speaks to its audience and the type of language it uses, even down to the punctuation.

Beyond this, a brand defines how customers feel during and after they use your services. Do they feel like they’ve made a friend? Like they’ve conducted a serious transaction?

Fundamentally, a brand is a look, feel, sound, and experience unique to your business.

How Do You Build a Brand?

If building a powerful brand was easy, most businesses would see endless success. But many simply choose a logo and a font and think they’re done.

There’s so much involved in building a brand but there’s no need to feel overwhelmed. When you take the branding process step-by-step, you’ll watch it come together before your eyes.

1. Who Is Your Audience?

You can’t build a brand without understanding your audience for a very simple reason. You want to attract your audience to your brand and not all audiences are attracted by the same thing.

A furniture company targeting a young, modern audience isn’t going to succeed if their branding is old-fashioned and conservative.

The first thing to do is to create a customer profile. You’ll need to know:

  • What age range is your ideal customer?
  • What education level do they have?
  • What budget do they have?
  • Do they have a family?
  • Where do they live? City? Rural? Suburban?
  • Are they impulse buyers or considered buyers?
  • What problems do they face?

It can be easy to create a customer profile but harder to know if they exist. Look at market trends, competitors’ customers, and even conduct market research.

2. Why Does Your Business Exist?

Now you know who your audience is, you’ll need to know exactly how your business can help them. This is where market research becomes crucial.

Once you’ve identified your audience, you can ask them about the struggles they have with existing products or services related to your business. By getting real feedback, you’ll have invaluable information about how you can help.

This will also allow you to see if your business is necessary and in-demand. If you’re trying to sell something that no one needs or wants, your job will be considerably more difficult, if not impossible.

When your business has a clear reason for existing and will solve a problem for your audience, you can build it into your branding.

3. What Makes You Different?

When there is no difference between you and your competition, your audience will be forced to go off the price. That’s a sure race to the bottom.

Branding helps you display clearly why you’re different. Apple and Microsoft both sell computers, but Apple’s branding makes them stand out. It’s clean, modern, user-driven, and shows their audience how great they’ll feel using Apple’s products.

This reflects Apple’s actual products, which are sleek, modern, and fun to use.

4. The Look of Your Brand

Now onto the fun part. What does your brand look like?

Visuals are much easier to absorb than text so are exceptionally important for branding. Having a professional logo designed that develops brand awareness is a solid starting point.

Brand visuals extend to the color palette your business uses as well. Not just blue and white, but the exact HTML color code for each color. This will keep your visual branding consistent.

If you’re selling physical products, branding extends to the look and feel of the packaging as well as the product itself. A strong brand is developed when every part of your business aligns.

5. What Language Do You Speak?

You’d probably talk to a senator in a different way than you’d talk to your best mate at the bar. We modify our language every day to suit the people we’re interacting with.

Your business has a clear audience and you need to communicate with them in an appropriate way. By creating brand communication guidelines, you can pin down the exact tone of voice, language, and punctuation that your brand will use.

To do this, you need to find out how your audience speaks. Do they use slang? Are they informal? Do they like chatty, fun businesses? Or do they want formal, professional language?

Having a recognizable tone of voice helps your brand become consistent, trustworthy, and personable.

How to Keep Your Branding Consistent

You’re going to put a lot of hard work into developing a cohesive and comprehensive brand but consistency is the only way to strengthen it. When your audience starts to understand your brand and recognize it, your reputation will grow.

The easiest way to keep your branding consistent is to have guidelines for every area of your brand. From communication to photographic guidelines, you’ll always know exactly what to do to stay on brand.

For small businesses looking to expand, brand guidelines will help your future employees stay on brand as well.

Excel at the Branding Process

The more familiar you become with your audience and your brand, the easier it will be to add in different types of marketing.

You’ll have set brand fonts, so you’ll never need to choose a font again. You’ll have a defined color palette so your designers will always know what they’re working with.

A strong branding process can go like clockwork when it’s in place. But building a strong brand takes time and dedication. If you want the strongest brand possible, we can help. Get in touch to chat about our branding services and we’ll do the hard work for you.

The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) recommends that marketing managers allot between 7% and 8% of their company’s gross revenue toward advertising and outreach.

That’s a substantial chunk of change, no matter how thick or thin your bottom line might be.

That’s why it’s important to protect your investment and make sure it’s generating the kind of return you need to grow. While you could handle the work entirely in-house, chances are your teams are already stretched to capacity.

That’s where marketing firms come in.

Allowing a third-party agency to take the reigns on your campaigns could be the smartest move you make for your growing reasons. Join us today as we share a few reasons why.

What Does a Marketing Firm Do?

Before we dive into the top reasons to hire one, let’s answer one initial question: What is a marketing firm and what can you expect from one?

As their name implies, marketing firms are designed to help guide your overall marketing strategy.

Yet, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all setup. The specific role this firm plays will vary from organization to organization. A few of the most common duties they can handle include:

  • Researching your business model, target audience, and competition
  • Determining how to position your company within your market
  • Helping your team establish a marketing budget
  • Deciding which marketing tactics to pursue
  • Establishing branding and design standards for campaign materials
  • Creating core marketing materials
  • Monitoring your campaign and reporting on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In most cases, a marketing firm will take care of all of the above tasks and more.

Once they research your company and learn about your product and industry, these professionals can help you devise a strategy to generate sales leads and build brand buzz. From there, they can help create the visual designs and sales pieces (e.g. presentations, digital ads, social media posts, websites) that will form the backbone of your advertising strategy.

Along the way, the firm keeps a close eye on your campaign. You’ll receive real-time feedback on which strategies worked, which need to be tweaked and which to scrap. This helps you make more informed decisions to drive more traffic your way.

Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Professional

If you’re at the helm of a startup or small business, your marketing employees are most likely pulling double duty. They might also help out with sales, customer support, troubleshooting or contracts.

This means the time they can devote to marketing is limited.

At the same time, if you have a large enough enterprise to create a dedicated marketing team, these employees may also be stretched to the hilt. Juggling multiple accounts, deploying different strategies and staying on top of new technologies can be exhausting.

A marketing firm can help relieve this stress.

Improve Your Overall Strategy

If your numbers aren’t where you’d like them to be, letting an unbiased third-party direct your efforts could be the switch-up you need. Most are designed to help you achieve the following goals:

  • Grow your sales leads
  • Support your current sales efforts
  • Build greater brand awareness
  • Increase your market share

Has your brand recently encountered a setback that damaged your reputation? A marketing firm can also help reposition you within your market, helping improve public perception.

Support a Singular Project

While all of these are valuable benefits, business leaders most often hire outside marketing companies to help with a specific project.

For instance, are you getting ready to launch a new brand? Do you want to completely revamp your online presence? Are you ready to introduce a new product line or service?

Relying on your same, tired marketing tactics to build excitement around these changes can prove challenging. An outside perspective is often all that’s needed to start afresh on the right foot!

Learn New Technologies

For decades, your firm has relied solely on print marketing. Flyers, brochures, and pamphlets are your bread and butter.

However, you’ve read the statistics that show 83% of companies are seeing success from digital marketing. You’ve noticed your sales numbers dipping and you’re reconsidering your stance on online outreach.

If you were to dive into this newfound territory headfirst, you’re liable to drown. There are countless other competitors already acing the game.

In this case, you can bring a marketing firm on board to help your teams learn these new technologies. From social media to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), there are many new tools, concepts, and solutions they can help you master.

Discover What Marketing Firms Can Do for Your Business

Whether you want to overhaul an existing outreach strategy, roll out a new one or reinvent your entire brand, marketing firms can help you get there.

They’ll bring order to your chaos, help you see your business in a new light, and inspire your internal teams to dream bigger than they ever thought possible.

Then, they’ll help you design and follow a precise roadmap to make sure you achieve the goals you set for yourself. From small businesses to major corporations, every advertising department can benefit from this support.

Looking to hire a marketing firm to help position your organization for success? That’s where we come in.

We’re a full-service marketing and design group dedicated to helping our clients build the most powerful brands possible. From social media to video, we do it all.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help and let’s take this next step together.

It’s easy to think you can afford to let SEO sit on the back-burner.

In reality, you can’t.

The longer you wait to optimize, the harder it is to rank well. If you’re not focused on SEO, your competitors are. And there are more competitors popping up every day.

There are nearly 2 billion websites.

Your business doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The competitive business climate is fierce. Everyone wants the same thing — attention in a saturated digital world.

Bad news aside, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Hiring a local San Diego SEO expert is easy. They’ll do all the heavy lifting for you.

Prop your feet up, grab a blanket and a cold drink.

You’re in good hands.

SEO Is a No-Brainer and Here’s Why

There are 77,000+ Google searches made every second.

That equates to nearly 7 billion searches a day. Pretend .0001% of those searches are relevant to your business.

That’s 7,000 searches a day that could be interacting with your website. That’s 210,000 visitors a month. Think about what that kind of traffic could do for your business.

Myth: If You Build it, They Will Come

Your website knocks it out of the park. It’s painstakingly perfect and it’s the ultimate salesman. But, just because it exists doesn’t mean anyone will find it.

It’s up to you to meet potential customers where they are. As it turns out, 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. So, it’s safe to say that’s where you need to meet them.

Proper SEO is what puts your business in front of the right people at the exact time they need to see it.

SEO Allows You to Meet Consumers Throughout the Buyer’s Cycle

Most people using a search engine are looking for information.

They’re not ready to make a purchase. But, that doesn’t mean you should ignore them.

By lending a helping hand early on, you’re putting your brand on their brain. Eventually, they’ll be ready to buy. And they’ll remember the exceptional experience you delivered.

Targeting keywords with varying intents allows you to attract new customers independent of where they sit in the sales funnel.

You Want People to Trust You, Right?

The first search engine results page gets 91.5% of traffic generated.

Think about how you behave online. When you search for “cat training tips,” you expect the first page to contain what you need.

You trust Google’s judgment and so do consumers. Hence why most people don’t search past the first page. Passed experiences tell them they can find what they need on page one.

If Google trusts you, so do they.

You Can Outsource for Explosive Results

Revenue and results scale disproportionately to the time and money you spend.

Plus, you can outsource SEO to an experienced expert to amplify your results.

It’s no secret that the hardest climb is at the beginning. But, that isn’t because it’s steeper. Once your business reaches the tipping point, your reach will explode.

Hiring an SEO expert will decrease the time it takes to reach your tipping point and magnify what happens after.

San Diego SEO Expert Tip: Start optimizing your website right away.

An Inside Look at What a San Diego SEO Expert Does

SEO is a complex universe that changes nearly every second. Specialists are constantly learning new skills, techniques, and strategies to take your business to the top.

Here’s a peek at what a San Diego SEO expert can do for you.

Competitor Analysis

The goal isn’t to reinvent the wheel.

First, they’ll research and analyze what works for competitors within your vertical. Specifically, they’ll dig into:

This is the foundation of everything else moving forward.

Content Audit

An SEO expert will check your existing content.

What pieces perform well? Which ones don’t?

They’ll tweak your headlines, body text, meta tags, and more to increase their performance. They’ll also look for gaps and areas of improvement.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a science. It boils down to finding search queries with a golden ratio of search volume to difficulty.

And relevancy.

And search intent.

And cost per click.

It sounds complicated because it is.

An SEO expert will do the mathematical work behind the scenes while you sit back and reap the benefits.

Keyword Strategy

A strong keyword strategy takes those golden keywords and turns them into an actionable plan.

This plan covers every step of the buyer’s journey from awareness to retention.

Content Creation

Content creation takes your keyword strategy and turns it into digital content. This could be in the form of:

  • Blog articles
  • Videos
  • Social media posts
  • Landing pages
  • Infographics
  • Interactive content

The goal of each piece of content is to solve a problem your audience may have. And then to help them find it when they need it.

Local Optimization

Proper local search optimization means appearing in search results that include “near me” or a specific location.

An SEO expert will set up your Google My Business listing, manage your directory citations and reviews, and optimize your website for you.

On-Page Optimization

There are specific areas Google crawls to understand what your pages are about. On-page optimization is utilizing them to give search engines a clear picture.

A long, long time ago…

The more times a keyword appeared, the higher that page would rank in search results. But, that’s not the case anymore. Good on-page SEO finds the perfect balance of giving Google what it wants without sounding like a robot.

Site Structure

Is your site easy to navigate? Does your menu structure make sense? Do you have an XML sitemap?

A proper SEO expert will double-check and take care of it for you.

Site Speed

The internet is a place of instant gratification.

74% of users will abandon a website that doesn’t load in 5 seconds or less. It’s imperative that your website loads quickly across all devices.

The more people bounce from your site, the less Google trusts you as a source of high-quality information. They’ll penalize you by moving you down the rankings.


An SEO expert will make sure your site is lightweight and loads quickly.

Backlink Generation

A backlink (or inbound link) is the search engine equivalent of a five-star rating.

In Google’s eyes, if a high-authority website links to yours, you must be offering something good.

Experts help you generate backlinks by guest posting, email outreach, and other white-hat SEO techniques.

Analytics and Reporting

If legwork is the cupcake, analyzing results is the icing on top.

Analytics and accurate reporting prove what tactics work and those that don’t. This information helps build a continuous SEO growth strategy moving forward.

San Diego SEO Expert Tip: Research everything in this section so you can discuss them during your free consultation.

How Hiring an SEO Expert Will Benefit You and Your Business

You’re busy managing 7,832,405 other things. Hiring an expert allows you to do your thing.

And allows them to develop a unique SEO strategy specifically for your business.

1. You’re Hiring an Expert

Experts say that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert.

Wait. Who are these experts and what are they experts on? Who knows.

Whether it takes 10,000 hours or not, being an expert takes a lot of time, research, studying, and effort among other things. Odds are, you don’t have time for that.

You’re probably trying to become an expert on something else.

Hiring an SEO expert means you’re getting a specialist who’s put in the blood, sweat, and tears to sit where they’re at. They have a backlog of experience to lean on.

So, you can rest easy.

2. Stay Up-To-Date with Google

Google updates it’s search algorithm approximately 9 times a day.

Each update makes the algorithm more human and harder to understand.

Even the folks at Google don’t know 100% how it works.

But, SEO experts live and breath for those updates. To them, it’s a welcomed challenge. They stay up-to-date so you don’t have to.

And because they enjoy it.

3. Save Yourself Time, Effort, and Money

DIY results take a lot of time to see (usually 6 months to a year, if at all). That’s if you have an idea of what you’re doing.

Hiring an SEO expert saves you the hassle and cost of learning how to do everything yourself. Plus, you’ll see results sooner.

It’s a virtually hands-off approach that lets you focus on other things.

4. Cost-Effective and Consistent

Effective SEO campaigns are consistent and cost-effective.

Experts understand this and work hard to deliver human-first optimized pages and content. Every aspect of your online presence is cohesive with a big-picture strategy in mind.

A common mistake is hiring someone to optimize one page at a time. This creates inconsistency and provides no general structure to the madness.

5. Avoid Devastating Mistakes

Honest SEO mistakes can wreak havoc on your online presence, especially if your website is new. Something as simple as trying too hard can get you banned from Google.

Using a keyword one too many times can destroy your rankings for months on end. Buying backlinks is also a deal-breaker for Google.

SEO experts understand these bad practices and know how to avoid them.

6. Accurate Reporting

Reports and analytics are vital for understanding how your business is performing.

Often times, analytic reports from standard software are hard to understand.

But, experts understand the importance and are able to generate reports that make things easy. You’ll be able to easily understand the impact of your SEO investment.

Understanding the impact simplifies decisions about the future of your business.

7. Increased Search Engine Performance

After hiring an SEO expert, you’ll see increased search engine performance. You’ll see more organic traffic, higher rankings, and higher conversions.

Search engine traffic is highly targeted making it easier to turn visitors into paying customers. Additionally, as Google starts to trust you, your brand will have more authority.

Ranking new articles and new pages won’t take years and you’ll gain a loyal following. What’s not to love?

8. Technical SEO

Technical SEO goes beyond page speed and meta tags.

Schema markups, HTML code, and CSS script structure are a few of the more complex aspects. If you don’t know what those are, don’t worry.

You’re not alone.

But, you are in luck. SEO experts have spent years studying the technical aspects of what makes Google tick. They’ll do the dirty work so you don’t have to.

9. Hiring Local Provides a Hands-On, In-Person Experience

Hiring a local San Diego SEO expert does more than keep business in your local economy.

The benefits of working with a local expert include:

  • In-person interactions
  • Personalized attention
  • Understanding of your local market
  • Effective local keyword research
  • Multiple streams of communication
  • Local business connections and network opportunities
  • Local partnerships

San Diego SEO Expert Tip: Hire a local SEO expert for explosive business growth.

How to Decide If You Should Outsource SEO

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, hiring an SEO expert will benefit your business.

  1. Do you have a website?
  2. Do you want to make more money?
  3. Do you want to help people solve their problems?

SEO is complicated but knowing when and how to hire an expert isn’t.

San Diego SEO Expert Tip: Don’t wait to hire an expert. Invest in the future of your business. Now.

A Results-Driven San Diego SEO Expert at Your Fingertips

The MAD Group exists to make an impact on businesses and consumers across the world.

They want to help your business thrive through creative marketing, advertising, and design.

When you hire a MAD San Diego SEO Expert, you’re also hiring a business partner and friend who won’t settle for ordinary. Plus, the process is easy and future you will look back and say “thank you.”

Schedule your free consultation using the form below to get started today!

Reading minds doesn’t seem to be as hard these days. Here’s how you can deliver an experience that leaves your audience feeling like you can read their mind.

Showing empathy and a deep understanding of your readers may be the one thing that separates you from your competition.

Now, you’re probably wondering how you can make that happen. It seems effortless for large corporations but you don’t have an expansive team and your marketing budget is basically non-existent.

Don’t worry! EDM marketing is a cost-effective and efficient way to develop long-term relationships with your audience. Keep reading to learn more about EDM marketing, why it’s important, and how you can get started, today.

What is Electronic Direct Mail Marketing?

EDM marketing, or electronic direct mail marketing, takes traditional email marketing to new heights. Although they sound similar, they aren’t quite the same thing.

Here’s why:

  • Email marketing consists of outbound emails to your email list
  • EDM encompasses email marketing AND additional methods of communication to develop brand awareness and long-term relationships

Successful EDM campaigns commonly use SMS messaging, printed materials, and advertising to create a influential user experience.

Why EDM Should Play an Influential Role in Your Business

Email marketing continues to be the most effective way to increase conversions, beating out social media and other marketing channels.

Since EDM marketing includes email marketing, it boasts the same benefits. But, it also has a few built-in benefits of its own. These inherent benefits make EDM a safe and reliable asset to your marketing strategy.

1. Analytics and Tracking Abilities

Most digital marketing techniques are hard to analyze. Often times, it’s impossible. But, email marketing stands above the rest because of how easy it is to measure.

Going further, analytic tools enable you to track the performance of your emails, social media posts, and paid advertisements. You can then use this data to conduct A/B testing or other methods to optimize your EDM results.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

For every $1 you invest, email marketing produces approximately $43 in return. This makes email marketing one of the best ways to increase your ROI. Because EDM encompasses other platforms, your return could be even higher.

3. Personalization Capabilities

3 out of 4 (77%) of businesses state that they use email to send personalized messages. Additionally, the targeting capabilities of digital advertising are becoming more advanced.

Delivering a personalized message is crucial to reaching the right people when they need you. So, it makes sense that most companies are investing time and money into it.

4. Establishes Trust and Brand Awareness

Email marketing is permission-based meaning that this person has agreed to hear from you. The additional avenues of EDM marketing allow you to build on that trust. This means that you can establish a long-term relationship through retargeting ads, email, and social media.

Elements to Include in Your Next EDM Marketing Campaign


Personalizing an email means more than including their name in the first line. Consumers have high expectations when it comes to their inboxes and your business is no exception.

Learn how to effectively segment your list to create a personalized experience that’s tailored to the individual. Additionally, use what you know about your audience to target your social media marketing and digital advertising efforts.


You’re not just selling a product. You’re selling an outcome. Use imagery that accurately shows what your audience can expect to become by trusting in your brand.


There are hundreds of other businesses like yours. The story you tell separates you from your competition. Weave that story into your EDM marketing campaign to appeal to your audience’s emotions.

Responsive Design

Approximately 70% of internet activity happens on a mobile device. Make sure every touch-point of your EDM campaign is mobile responsive.

Negative user experiences can destroy everything you’ve worked hard to build.

Interactive Content

Interactive content forces your audience to engage.

Things like surveys, interactive infographics, calculators, and quizzes can make a massive impact on how your message is heard.

One Call to Action

You know what you want your audience to do. They probably don’t know so it’s up to you to tell them. End your emails, social media posts, and advertisements with a singular call to action so they know exactly what they’re supposed to do.

3 Refreshing Marketing Emails to Send Your List, Today

Imagine if every email you opened up was a sales email? You’d probably unsubscribe after a while. Nobody wants to receive nothing but sales emails in their inbox.

Use these examples to change things up so you can keep your readers engaged, learn more about them, and make more sales.

1. Get to Know Who’s Behind the Screen

Create a survey and ask your audience for input. Bonus points if you can offer them something valuable in return.

Example: Abagail and Emylee from Think Creative Collective asked their audience to take a quick survey in exchange for being entered into a Starbuck’s gift card giveaway.

2. Create an Ultimate Guide that Solves a Specific Problem

Using the information you got from your survey, develop a guide that helps solve a common problem your audience has.

Example: MailerLite recently created a guide on A/B testing. In their email, they included an interactive poll, a video, and a link to the guide. They invite their readers to engage and help them find a solution to a common problem without asking for anything in return.

3. Personalized Content

If your list is segmented, you can send appropriate content to the right people. You know they’re interested in a specific topic so send them a roundup of your top content (i.e. blog posts, eBooks, videos, etc.) to encourage them to visit your site.

ExampleStitcher, a podcast app, frequently sends out emails with suggested podcasts and other content they think you will enjoy.

EDM Marketing Services that Yield Measurable Results

The Marketing and Advertising Design Group takes pride in offering top-tier EDM marketing services that don’t cost you an arm and a leg. The process is simple.

Provide some basic information and let the specialized team of marketers do the heavy lifting. You’ll see quantifiable results in the form of capturing leads and generating revenue.

Contact the MAD Group to get started growing your business, today!

Defining your brand gives your company personality and a unique voice that makes people aware of your position in the marketplace. It creates differentiation in the marketplace and gives you more credibility and negotiating power.

Brand development enables you to attract a specific set of customers that gravitate to your business because of the emotional connection they’ve made with the brand.

But how do you begin developing a brand? Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to build your brand. Here are the top ten brand strategy tips for building a brand.

What is Brand Development?

Brand development was never meant to be created in a vacuum. You don’t just pull out an idea and say, “Hey team, let’s do this.”

Brand development is rooted in a solid strategy based on the core values that drive your business’s vision and mission. Then you link your values to your company goals and your business strategy.

1. Your Business Strategy: Look At The Big Picture

Your business strategy starts with your vision and mission. Think about the problems you want to solve in the marketplace. And how you want to solve them. When you differentiate your brand, it’s easier to grow your business.

Do you want to sell sustainable products that inspire your audience? Maybe you want to manufacture stylish, chic clothing to expectant mothers. Every brand will require depth of thinking and value it brings to your clients.

2. Hone in On Your Target Audience

Sometimes specializing in a target niche enables you to identify your brand and audience more easily. While you might want to sell to everyone, that may be a mistake. It may not attract anyone’s attention if you are everything to everyone. It may seem as a jack-of-all-trades.

To grow your brand, it’s essential to define your target clients. The more you can narrow your target clients, the more laser-focused you’ll make your brand.

The narrower the focus, the faster the results, the more leads you’ll generate, the more orders you’ll receive at checkout. It might take some time to define your target audience. But don’t rush it. It requires concentration and insight.

So how do you define your target clients? It’s all in the research.

3. Researching Your Target Market

To make your brand relevant to your target clients, you need to do abundant research. Research can drive revenue.

The reason: the information you learn about your target clients from demographics, interests, location, pains, goals, and attitudes enables you to create brand advertising that says, “They get me.”

In return, the revenue comes in, your business grows, but most importantly you know where you stand in the minds of your audience.

By understanding your customer’s priorities and perspectives, you resonate with them–and anticipate their problems that you can solve by creating unique messaging that’s relevant to their lives and provides value.

4. It’s Time to Position Your Brand

Next up, you’re ready to position your brand. Show how your brand is different than your competition. When you define the difference that matches your target clients’ preferences, they choose to work with you.

To position your brand, you need to write carefully crafted positioning statements for each market. The is a specific format for doing this effectively. If you need help with this please contact Mad Group to get the most effective advice.

5. What’s Your Message?

The next step is to create your messaging strategy. Your message should be based on your brand positioning. It should convey powerful thoughts in words, pictures, and video.

If you have more than one target client, you’ll need to create a message for each client. Perhaps you’ll vary your messaging based on gender or other criteria. But keep it rooted in your brand positioning.

While your message may vary, your core brand positioning must be the same for all your target clients for brand consistency. Each client may have specific preferences, but your brand needs to remain the same across the board.

You can create an umbrella brand for the company, and then create specific sub-brands for your products or service offerings.

6. Keep Your Logo and Brand Elements Relevant

If you’re doing a company rebranding or forming a new brand, a logo may be in order. The logo and your tagline need to match your brand positioning strategy.

Customers will come to recognize your logo and related visual material. It’s important to communicate your brand personality in these visuals so they can remember your company.

When designing your logo and brand elements, use color, shapes, and symbols that allow people to remember your company and recognize it instantly. Think of McDonald’s golden arches or the Apple logo. Both so easily recognizable.

7. Developing A Content Marketing Strategy

Your content marketing strategy needs to be in line with your brand positioning. Make sure it communicates it in every piece of content you create. Whether a blog post, eBook, video, or an infographic.

Content marketing builds your brand by providing your target clients with informative and engaging opportunities to learn and experience your brand. It’s a way to attract, inspire, nurture and motivate target clients to take action.

8. Building Your Website

Your company website is one of the most essential brand-building tools for your online customers and prospects. It’s the place where your target clients will return to make purchases and connect with you.

Here, you’ll drive new customers through your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts to learn about your company’s offerings. When it comes to a solid brand development plan, an attractive and functional website is a must.

Here are some quick tips for building a website for your brand:

  • Make sure the look and feel match your brand. This includes colors and style.
  • Tell your brand story on your homepage.
  • Create a newsletter on your website for your target client to join.
  • Make sure the menus on your site is easy to navigate and is built with a responsive design. So it looks good on all devices.

9. Other Marketing Tools

You can use a variety of marketing tools you can post on your website or on social media. Here are some examples:

Your Company Newsletter

Your newsletter is an opportunity for target clients to discover your brand. Here they can sign up for news, deals, and product information.

Design An e-brochure

An e-brochure designed in line with your brand is another opportunity to get your target client acclimated to your brand. Make sure it’s saved in a PDF format for easy and convenient viewing.

Compilation of Videos

Viewers love videos. They give you the opportunity to let users know more about your brand. Some topic ideas for videos:

  • New products and services
  • Meet the team video
  • Deals and discounts

10. Testing: Measuring and Tracking Results

This last step in developing your brand is to test your marketing through analytics. You’ll learn which blog posts and videos get shared, which emails get opened, and which ads get a response–or get ignored.

Tracking your marketing efforts gives you a good idea what’s working and what needs to be adjusted.

The Bottom Line on Brand Development

Now you know the top ten brand development tips to build a successful brand.

Follow these tips step-by-step to strengthen your brand positioning, establish a brand voice, extend your audience reach, and drive profits.

MAD Group specializes in branding, messaging, and campaign development. Contact our team today to drive your business forward with a brand that aligns with your values and goals.

As a business owner, you may realize that digital marketing is one of the best ways to create revenue online.

You’ve gone the DIY route, but your efforts aren’t converting to sales.

You’re not even coming close to your business goals. And the process is so time-consuming. The hours you get to spend with your family or the things you enjoy doing most is almost non-existent.

Perhaps you need to hire a digital marketing agency. But be careful about who you choose. Not all digital marketing agencies are equal.

For an agency to be worth their salt– and achieve success for your business— they must master digital marketing best practices.

Here are the seven best practices you need to know when working with a digital marketing agency.

1. Find an Agency That Has Some Experience Working in Your Niche

Before you sign the contract, make sure the agency you hire possesses some expertise in your industry or a related industry. You may want to work with a team that knows your customer’s pain points, goals, and desires.

When an agency understands your customers, it will save you money since the agency won’t need to do as much research to learn about your business.

Since many digital marketing agencies charge their clients by the hour, you might be billed for less time when an agency knows your niche.

2. Identify the Expertise You Have and Need

The first thing you need to do is figure out your staff’s digital marketing knowledge and experience.

This helps you narrow down the services you’ll need to outsource to a digital marketing agency. There may be some tasks you can assign to your team which can cut your costs.

There’s no need to hire someone to manage your social media posts if you have someone on your team who can do that.

The agency can design and write your posts, but a staff member may be able to post them to your Instagram stories or posts–or your Facebook business page.

On the other hand, if you’re totally new to social media, an agency can take that task off your plate.

3. Learn the Services Agencies Offer

Knowing what services offered by digital marketing agencies will let you know if they have the bandwidth to handle all your needs. Or if you’ll have to hire an outside professional.

For example, if the agency doesn’t offer email marketing or Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you’ll need to look elsewhere for these specialties. As marketers offer different services, you’ll need to find out.

If you prefer to work with one agency to do it all, make sure they offer everything you need.

4. Read Their Case Studies

Case studies are detailed accounts of customer successes. They provide analyses of campaign strategies and the results they achieved.

The case study should include the marketing problem the client wanted to fix, the strategy the agency performed to attack the problem, and the outcome or solution obtained.

Case studies should provide measurable results, for example, generated leads and conversions that led to sales.

Reading case studies can show you how the agency accomplished the clients’ results that led to increased traffic and higher revenue achieved by the digital marketing agency.

5. Ask About Client Retention Rates

Knowing client retention rates will allow you to discover the quality of service you’re paying for. When clients are happy with a digital marketing agency’s services, they stick around.

When digital marketing agencies have repeat customers, it’s a sign they’re doing something right. They’re providing digital marketing solutions that work.

In contrast, when companies don’t stay with an agency, that usually attests to the poor quality, lack of creativity, and low response rate delivered by the agency.

Learning client retention rates will enable you to see the “proof in the pudding” that goes beyond empty promises.

6. Inquire About Different Content Marketing Writing Services

Content marketing is key in any successful digital marketing campaign. Yes, an agency might create a beautiful web design to attract clients.

But it’s the words on the website that speak to customers and convert leads to purchases.

Here are some of the essential content marketing services needed to build authority, drive traffic to your website, and increase revenue:

Blog Creation

Consistent blog creation is the heart of SEO. Well-written blog posts provide Google juice. A good blog writer needs to perform keyword research, know user queries, generate great ideas, know SEO, and write stellar headlines.

Blogging can drive prospects to your website and entice them to join your subscriber list.


Does the agency have an eBook writer on their team?

eBooks provide an excellent opt-in opportunity for you to offer a free giveaway in exchange for a prospect’s email address. When leads furnish their email address, they’re now a lead you can nurture.

Email Marketing

Email marketing provides an effective way to build trust with hand-raisers and leads. You can obtain customer email addresses through an opt-in gift like an eBook, your blog, on social media, or in other ways.

The DMA says that personalized emails generate 58% of revenue. While anyone can write an email, a talented email marketer understands the sales funnel and creates personalized emails with the buyer’s journey in mind.

Today, it’s not enough to write a traditional sales email. An email sequence expert knows the psychology and emotional triggers necessary to empathize with your leads’ pains, goals, and desires needed to make the sale.

Whitepapers and Reports

Whitepapers and reports are essential documents to sell to B2B businesses. These documents position companies as thought leaders.

This long-form, well-researched content marketing content strategy created by experts provides an effective form of digital communication for high net worth purchases.

When researching digital marketing agencies, knowing the forms of content they provide can be a deal-breaker in helping you choose the right agency for your business.

7. Discover Which Tools the Agency Uses to Guide and Measure Progress

After understanding your company’s vision, a digital marketing agency needs to offer the tools in place to realize this vision.

A digital marketing brief also called a “brief” works as a blueprint to define your campaign objectives, assets, target market, digital strategy, approval processes and deliverables for your campaigns.

Make sure the agency uses one, as most reputable agencies do.

On this document, provide as much information to the agency about your target market: desires, goals, objections, and pains to enable them to achieve the best results for your company.

Seven Best Practices Revisited When Working With a Digital Marketing Agency

Incorporate these seven best practices when choosing a digital marketing agency to increase your bottom line.

When you’re both on the same page, you may actually be able to get some sleep. Or book that long-awaited vacation you’ve been wanting to take with your family or friends.

MAD Group provides brand, messaging, and campaign solutions for businesses who crave an online presence that produces results. Contact us today to boost your company’s revenue.

A company can have a powerful message, perfect marketing tactics, and a solid advertising strategy, but without brand awareness—the margin for success is low.

But what is brand awareness?

Brand awareness is the exposure of your company/products and the unity between what’s being sold and how the consumers are engaging.

It takes multiple impressions for a customer to engage in a company’s brand or message. And without a solid branding strategy, those impressions aren’t memorable, turning people away rather than keeping them interested.

Over 89% of marketers say that branding is their top goal. With that percentage only increasing, it’s important to know what brand awareness is. It’s also important to create a strong brand to build both your reach and growth.

First: What is Brand Awareness?

Your brand encompasses your name, logo, messaging, services, and content created and packaged in a way that relates to clients.

But simply having a brand isn’t enough.

Brand awareness is creating a brand that’s both recognizable and relatable. And whether the brand builds a relationship, creates a sense of trust, or simply engages potential buyers, it gives a business an edge over the competition.

Over 64% of consumers cite shared values as the reason they connect with a company. But if these values aren’t being conveyed—through brand awareness, rather than simply recognition—the potential to truly connect with those individuals is lost.

Brand recognition is when a consumer sees the colors, logo, or design and makes the connection with who your company is. The awareness piece goes a step further, giving connection to not only the name, but to the general feeling about a company, too.

The Value of Building Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness directly helps to promote your business, boost your reputation, help you find (and retain) loyal customers, and give you a strategy for introducing new products and services.

If you’re aware of how your business is being perceived and what your audience is connecting with, it will help you become a business that people can trust.

As you grow your business, you’ll learn the value of high impact branding—for example, Kleenex. You’ll hear people say, “I need a Kleenex” simply meaning a tissue, but because of the strong brand awareness of the company, it’s fully beat out all competition.

How to Build Solid Brand Awareness

If you’re looking to build brand awareness, it’s important to highlight attributes that set your company apart. From creating a custom hashtag to being active in the local community, you can easily create something that’s uniquely ‘yours.’

Social Media

An important aspect of brand awareness is social media and creating a unified profile, message, and voice throughout. This makes the step between posts and advertising strategy more natural, too.


Finding ways to directly connect with your customers is key. If you’re only connecting when you’re trying to push a sale, your customers will see that. If you’re engaging in conversation through your posts, message boards, question forums, etc. then there are more opportunities for people to get to know what you offer and why you’re the right fit.

Be A Person, Not Just A Company

Another key aspect of awareness is to think about being a person, not a company. You don’t simply want to shove content in your potential buyer’s face—you want to get to know him or her, and you want to share who you are, too.

Along with this is creating a personality. When your company feels human and unique it creates a sense of authenticity that drives consumers back again and again.

Share a Story

Your brand should tell a story. Creating a narrative around who you are, how you started, and what the value of your products/services is will give your business depth.

People connect to stories as they share a more human side to a company (again, think about being a person and not a company).

Offer Some Value

Consumers are inherently selfish. Oftentimes they want to engage with a company or brand because of what’s in it for them. While this isn’t wrong, it’s important (as a business) to connect and offer consumers some type of benefit.

From a free product to giveaways, it’s smart to give your potential customers something. Giving your customers a taste of what you offer will entice them to come back to your company for a future sale.

Understanding and Measuring Brand Awareness

As your business grows, you can measure your brand awareness through direct traffic, through social engagement (both followers and direct engagements—comments, likes, etc.), and through brand awareness surveys that you send directly to customers.

Although some aspects of your branding won’t necessarily be measurable, as your audience builds organically you can see how to directly connect to them to continue your business growth.

Now You’re Ready to Get Started

Although answering the question, ‘What is brand awareness?’ may seem difficult at first, when you understand the value of creating something memorable, relatable, and recognizable, that’s the first step.

From there, implementing strategies for connection and growth will help you create campaigns, advertising, marketing, and visuals that speak to what your company is and stands for.

To learn more about brand awareness and for more branding samples and ideas, click here.

Eight out of ten businesses will fail within ten years of startup. Amongst many factors, a huge contributing factor to failure is a lack of a proper marketing and business strategy. There needs to be a comprehensive business strategy for every aspect of your business.

Your business model has to be set up so that clients will repurchase from you many times over. Your products and services must be better than your competitors’ offerings. You must be well organized and efficient. And last, but not least, your marketing strategy needs to be balanced and affordable.

These days, most companies run creative digital marketing campaigns to gain exposure and sales. Some business owners ignore a digital marketing strategy because they think it is too competitive. Well if the other guys can do it, why can’t you? Sometimes, all it takes is to have a very creative digital marketing strategy. Have you been shooting in the dark when it comes to creative digital marketing?

Read on for our 11 top tips to boost your results in the digital landscape.

Ready to Boost Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

Here are our top eleven creative digital marketing strategies you can implement tomorrow.

Make a Content Creation Schedule and Stick to It

A great way to market your business is to have a marketing strategy offering creative quality content. You need to be creating great content all the time.

You need to start a blog on your website if you don’t have one already. Post blogs containing keyword-driven and relevant niche content at least once a week. Twice a week is better.

Make sure you have list building functionality on your site to collect contact information. Sticking to a consistent content schedule will build your readership and give you the ability to exchange information, including contact information.

Remember to submit new content to Google Search Console any time you make a post. This will allow your content to get indexed faster by search engines.

Refresh Current Content on Your Blog

A key part of your digital marketing strategy template needs to include seasonal and year-to-year refreshes of your current content.

Any post that includes the year, references a season or current events, or any other dating material needs updating to include the current year and time. Even if there is an article about a specific event or technique that is now outdated, leave it alone.

If you have new content, update it to reflect as a current post. This will get you a refresh in the SERPs and boost readership on older content.

Use Email Outreach to Build Your Backlink Profile

A great digital marketing strategy example that many people overlook is the power of personal connection. We all know we need a substantial backlink profile to get noticed on Google and other search engines.

But, building links becomes a sort of ethereal thing that companies do for you. The truth is you can obtain links yourself from reputable sites in your niche by reaching out to them. Do your research and craft an email campaign to ask for mentions from the big guys in your industry.

Getting authority links like these is tough but you can get it done with some personal touches. Email marketing is becoming an important foundation in the digital marketing world.

Consider Out of the Box Backlinking Techniques

Speaking of backlinking, a professional digital marketing planner will advise continuing your backlink building every month. This isn’t a set it and forget it scenario. Your backlink profile continues to build onto itself to build your authority and reputation online.

Use a seasoned SEO expert to get you into the out of the box backlink game. They will have connections to the heavy hitters. They can get you hundreds of links for the same cost as it would take you to get ten.

Outsource the Heavy Lifting to a Specialist

Digital marketing specialists already have access to so much data. They will be able to curate keywords for your niche fast. They can create a strategy in weeks that will get you results.

While you can do some of this work yourself leave things like keyword research, optimization strategy, and the overall strategy scheduling to a professional marketer.

What is Proximity Optimization and Why is it Important for Local Business?

Now here is a creative digital marketing strategy you probably haven’t heard of. Proximity optimization is the art of getting you seen locally. This process uses tools like Google stacking, Drive stacks, GMB optimization, and others to make you the authority within a 20-mile radius.

If your business needs local foot traffic to survive you need to focus on local SEO. There is a 50% higher chance of a customer walking in after they find you in a “near me” search on Google. If you show up in the top three spots of the Google Maps preview even better.

Don’t let yourself lose out to your nearby competitors because you ignored local SEO. In fact, local SEO can be one of the most effective and affordable ways to market your business while building your brand exposure. A good SEO company can help you gain exposure using creative digital marketing search terms. For example, if you sell hats, instead of using search phrases like “pink hats for sale”, you may be more noticed for “pink hats for spring weddings”. These days, it’s sometimes good to be more creative so that you get noticed where others won’t be competing. The key to creative digital marketing is good research and using a professional who is both data oriented and creative.

Create and Adhere to a Social Media Posting Schedule

We know that you’ve heard it over and over again. You need to be active on social media. We know it’s a lot to keep up with. That’s why we suggest you hire a social media professional to maintain your posting schedule.

Professionals understand the look and feel of each different platform and are phenomenal in speaking all their different languages. This is key to having success in social media.

Implement Schema Across Your Website

Schema is the tool that allows your site to win featured snippets on Google. The featured snippet is the coveted position zero. Find a quality SEO tool for your site and it can do this for you.

The most important types are page type, reviews, aggregate ratings, and other key points. Schema helps you make tables searchable by search engine crawlers. It’s a good idea to implement all over your site.

Utilize Third-Party Tools to Study Competitors

Use tools like SEMRush to study your competition. These tools will also clue you into your own domain analytics. They will make suggestions on optimizations to make your site better.

Close Any Content Gaps Between You and Your Competition

What’s a content gap? It’s what your competitors are talking about on their blogs that you have not mentioned yet. You want to write blog posts on any of these topics.

This is another benefit of third-party SEO analysis tools. They can locate these gaps for you and make it easier to create a strategy to close them.

Implement Paid Advertising Strategies on Platforms that Convert for Your Business

Check out your Google Analytics. Where are most of your visitors coming from? Facebook? You need to be boosting Facebook ads. Google? Start considering a Google Ads spend.

Boost what your organic traffic is already doing by implementing strategic PPC plays. Choose platforms that are already traffic generating. These will garner the highest results.

Build Organic Traffic, Boost Conversions, Raise Your Bottom Line with Digital Marketing

We hope you have found at least one new digital marketing strategy that can help build your business on this list.

Having some trouble coming to grips with this whole digital marketing thing? We get it. This stuff is hard. Let us do it for you.

At MAD Group we evaluate your needs to see if we can make a difference for your business. We won’t take on a client unless we feel we can make a significant impact for you.

We have a great team of creative digital marketers that will help you get where you want to go. We have researchers, designers, web programmers, social media experts, Google paid advertising specialists, brand strategists and much, much more. Before you look any further contact us to see if we are a good fit for you.